Beef up Your Firm's Physical Security

Beef up Your Firm's Physical Security
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Poor security can literally ruin your company - just ask the former Bitcoin giant MtGox.

Handling around 70 per cent of the world's Bitcoin trades at its peak, MtGox fell foul to hackers who stole 850,000 of the digital currency coins, leading to the firm filing for bankruptcy in February.

But it's not only online behemoths that are at risk.

The Heartbleed bug, for example, has left most small businesses clutching their chests and gasping for air as one of the biggest internet security threats the world has ever seen wreaks havoc.

For businesses, Heartbleed has exposed holes in their servers, leading to hacking groups scouring the web for websites vulnerable to intrusion.

Globally, online shoppers and internet bankers are being urged to change their passwords in a bid to reduce the risk of hackers pinching credit card or bank details.

Although the majority of firms affected claim problems have been rectified, this breach has led businesses around the world to take a hard look at ALL of the security measures they have in place.

As you're well aware, threats to your company's security can come in many forms, with employee data, legal documents, marketing data, cash and your employees all at risk from undesirables.

In order to protect your interests, then, it's vital to ensure your premises are not only secured digitally, but also physically to prevent vandals, burglars or even terrorists damaging your property.

Whether it's installing additional locks or implementing an alarm system, when it comes to keeping your premises locked down, it's not only keyboard radicals you should be aware of...

Blast Protection

You may find it hard to fathom, but terrorism is a major threat to businesses, with terrorists seeking to attack specific firms in an effort to further their political agendas. Common terrorist targets include public buildings, government buildings, embassies, defence establishments and financial institutions.

As a result - and to protect against unintentional explosions and blasts - it's important to install blast barriers to guard against injury, death and irreparable damage to your premises. Not only that, but terrorist attacks can have a profound effect on the economy, making blast protection a vital part of your business's security makeup.

Deadbolt Locks

Considered a lynchpin of physical security, the deadbolt lock is one of the strongest locking devices your firm can use on its exterior doors - but you must first make a choice between single and double cylinder models. A single cylinder can be locked or unlocked from inside, while a double cylinder needs a key to operate the deadbolt from both sides of the door.

Security experts advise to use double cylinder deadbolts on doors with windows, which prevents an intruder breaking the glass and simply reaching inside to unlock the door. However, single bolt cylinders are considered the safer option if the need to exit the building in an emergency, such as a fire, arises.

Alarm Systems

Aside from acts of terrorism, it's more likely your business will, at some point, be a target for theft or vandalism. Consequently, if you don't have one already, an alarm system should be one of your top priorities to make you aware if intruders bypass your various security measures and make it inside your premises.

Modern alarm systems installed on your property will serve to trip a warning siren that, hopefully, will panic the intruder, leading to them hotfooting it off your land. Additionally, once the alarm is tripped, it will alert the relevant authorities who will respond to the break-in and arrest the interloper.

While the list above is far from exhaustive, it will give your firm the edge when it comes to deterring and stopping criminals hell-bent on gaining access to your premises.

The web will undoubtedly serve up continual threats to your company's digital security, but with the physical safety of your premises assured, attention can then turn to thwarting the next electronic attack.


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