Detroit's Declaration of Peace, Hope and Love

We have to band together to not only protect each other, but to provide for each other, share with each other, feed each other, care for each other and more importantly love each other in these tough times, Detroit.
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Over the past four decades we've seen the dismantlement of our schools, neighborhoods and families. Loss of income and lack of commitment from government and the private sector which could have helped change conditions. We have experienced chemical warfare which has left our young people reaching for a community that they have yet to experience. We believe in this time in Detroit's history that Detroit needs a "people first" mentality. It is now or never!

We have to band together to not only protect each other, but to provide for each other, share with each other, feed each other, care for each other and more importantly love each other in these tough times, Detroit, but we need efficient and effective action. We need to continue to be proactive in rebuilding and re-spiriting Detroit. We have to change the mindset and the culture of Detroit, because if we don't, all the money in the world will not help in Detroit's rebirth. The people of Detroit need a rebirth which will fuel Detroit's rebirth.

Through this "Declaration of Peace, Hope and Love," we are here to convey to all Detroiters that every life in our community is valuable, every life in our community deserves to be loved, and every life in our community needs to be invested in. And by not doing our part, we are helping to sustain the underdeveloped behavior that is contributing to the social mayhem in our neighborhoods. We need to develop and create liberated peace zones, which will breed hope amongst the people and instill high expectations within the people to treat each other like human beings and not like animals! We need every human being to join our ranks; white, black, brown and any other color. We need people to understand that we have to restore the neighbor back to the hood, because if we don't, the hood will be the death of all of us.

People survive in hoods through underdeveloped behavior, but people live in neighborhoods through love and care. Our greatest resource is our capacity to love and care for each other and for our neighbors, which will bridge the gap between hope and desperation. We firmly believe that this is not a time for war, but for peace. It is not a time for acrimony, but for harmony. It is not a time for discord but for direction. Detroit's: Declaration of Peace, Hope and Love.

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