Soul Intuition: Ignite The Inner You and Lift Off To Success

Today we have more information than ever. This can be really good in a lot of ways, but it can also be overwhelming and confusing. There are programs, opinions and people all telling us what to do and how to become successful. So, which one is the "right" one for you? How do you know?
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Today we have more information than ever. This can be really good in a lot of ways, but it can also be overwhelming and confusing. There are programs, opinions and people all telling us what to do and how to become successful. So, which one is the "right" one for you? How do you know?

According to Allison Larsen, CEO and Founder of Soul Intuition, we can find answers to what will bring us greater success by trusting our intuition and recognizing that we each have unique talents and divine gifts that will help us along the way. Because we are all different, there is no one-size-fits-all success formula. What might work for one person, may not work for another. One thing is consistent though, each of us already has everything necessary to become and contribute to something larger than ourselves in our own unique way. It's simply a matter of discovering it. By igniting our soul intuition, we can find the answers that work for us, uncover hidden gifts and start living the life we were destined to live.

Larsen believes that, many look to someone else to tell them what to do and how to find success. The danger of looking for answers and solutions outside of ourselves is that we let others define us and determine our level of success and happiness, or in many cases unhappiness. But there is very little consistency in these outside sources. Case in point, there is a new diet, fashion trend or savvy way to make a million bucks popping up almost every day. In truth, these may work for some but not others, because we are all unique. Each of us is different and so is our formula for success. According to Allison, in order to find out what will work for us, we need to look within and find our own answers and embrace our individual gifts. We can listen to others, learn from their counsel and even take their suggestions, but ultimately we need to decide what is going to work for us. Our intuition will guide us to success.

We recently caught up with Allison to share three ways to ignite greater success:

1. Change Your Perspective.
What if we could learn to see all of our trials as gifts? I firmly believe that each opportunity (notice how I did not say trial) that is placed before us in life is there so we can grow and become better versions of ourselves abounding in wisdom and light. Lessons help us to learn and embrace what is important, what we are capable of and how many people we have who love and support us. We can choose to feel inadequate and unloved when something bad happens, or we can change our view and figure out what we can learn and how we can grow. As we grow and learn, we can share life lessons with those around us, giving them an opportunity to learn from counsel instead of consequence. As we work to help others, our light will shine even brighter. So, how do we go from merely surviving to thriving? We need to change our perspective!

2. See the Divine Within
What if you were asked to make two lists, one of all your weaknesses and one of your strengths? Which would be longer? Many people have no problem reciting hundreds of flaws, but struggle to list off just a few good qualities or attributes they love about themselves. So, how do we move past our inadequacies? The answer is to learn to see yourself through a divine filter. Our souls have perfect potential stuck in an imperfect body. But, dwelling on our flaws will only magnify them. They will become so big that we cannot move past them. I have worked with thousands of people all over the world and the number one thing I see standing in people's way from achieving all they could are their own feelings of inadequacy. We are severely limited by our beliefs and perceptions. If we don't see ourselves as valuable, then we will not allow ourselves to be valued by others. If we believe that we are flawed and broken, then we will not be able to fix our relationships, finances or businesses. If we cannot see how we can be successful, then we never will be. It is as simple as that. Change your self-image and change your life! Start believing you are successful and you will be successful.

3. Change Your Thoughts
We all deserve to be well, to be healthy and to be loved. These are not things we need to earn and we don't need to prove ourselves. We are divine beings with unique gifts, talents and purpose. There is nothing inadequate about us. The only limits are those that we think exist through ignorance or the doubts and fears we place on ourselves. Our bodies and our spirits work together to manifest the things we create through our thoughts. So, if you want to change your life, you must begin with your thoughts. Thoughts lead to actions. Your actions create your habits, and your habits make up your life. If you think you aren't good enough, you won't be. If you think you aren't successful, then you are not. You must learn to recognize faulty thinking before it manifests in your life. If you are ready to completely embrace your powerful gifts and learn to love yourself, raising the frequency around you and attracting abundance, then you must begin with your thoughts. Start thinking you are successful and you will become successful!

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