Let's Make MLK Proud

Let's Make MLK Proud
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For many like me, this year's MLK Day and the week following it are particularly tough because our country is going through some rather dismal times. The enticing slogan "Make America Great Again" that has appealed to so many, harkens back to a time when greatness was a privilege that only whites enjoyed at the cost of those whose skin was not lily-white and therefore not up to par with the standards set by the misguided.

After much sadness at the shameful events of the past few weeks brought about by a reprehensible man and the disgraceful folks he chooses to surround himself with daily, I have decided to keep my friends and acquaintances in mind who are taking a stand against this new norm. These are common folks who refuse to hunker down in the face of derogation. These are ordinary people who are not swayed by what is popular and therefore what they should do, but remain steadfast about what is right and therefore what they must do. They have not lost sight of what is ethical and integral, no matter how much pressure they are under. They are the ones who do not see race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, skin color as deterrents but as man-made constraints to be torn down just as easily in the name of fairness and freedom. They are the ones who believe in morality, justice, equity and equality of all individuals, whether Black or White, Mexican or Chinese, Gay or Straight, Transgender or Cisgender, Hindu or Muslim or any god-damn anomaly under the sun because in the end they are all part of the one and only human race. They are the ones who do not stand on the sidelines and watch the show play out but who stomp their feet and bang their fists and speak up, no matter how hard the resistance. They are the ones who deeply care about others, especially those who have no one on their side because the tiny voice inside of them always guides them to do what is right and not what is current. They are the ones who shout "Screw him" instead of "Let's give him a chance even though his words and actions clearly prove that he is a racist, sexist, misogynist and a hate-monger." They are the ones who have embraced Reverend King's dream which was well on its way to becoming a reality until it was hijacked by those who were appalled by the playing fields finally and unstoppably being leveled. So on this auspicious day, let's make MLK proud by doing everything in our power to stand by those ordinary folks who remember clearly why he gave up his life. Let's

"refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt." -- Martin Luther King jr.

Let's Make America Great-Hearted Again.


Photo credit ONP (Other Nice People)

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