If There's Even One American Left Who Still Thinks Bush is Brave and Compassionate...

If There's Even One American Left Who Still Thinks Bush is Brave and Compassionate...
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When President Bush vetoed bipartisan legislation this morning that would fund health care for four million uninsured children by boosting the Federal cigarette tax a whole 39 cents, he did so quietly, locked up in private, without any public appearances.

To me that is the essence of cowardice.

Maybe the same cowardice a much younger Bush exhibited when he used family connections to get into a National Guard unit that didn't go to Vietnam- and that he has never furnished evidence he fulfilled his obligations in.

So we're surprised?

If there's anyone out there who still thinks Bush is brave, climb out from under a rock and think of a President without the guts to declare his cruel stance publicly.

If there's anyone who still thinks Bush is a "compassionate conservative," think of the millions of families who struggle to provide health care for their kids.

Oh, one more set of stats:

Bush Admin. to Blackwater- at least $1 billion, and who knows how much more.

Bush Admin. to Uninsured Children- None

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