The Cruel Manipulation of American Democracy Continues

What happened in Iowa represents the latest regressive manifestation of how huge amounts of money continue to cruelly manipulate American democracy.
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What happened in Iowa only represents the latest regressive manifestation of how huge amounts of money are used to not only fund negative attack ads and to the determine to winner of the political process, but more importantly exposes how the cruel manipulation of American democracy continues.

Getting the "greed money" out of politics is now an urgent growing public demand. We have seen first hand how some in the ranks of the 1% that control the wealth of the nation will take any measure necessary to satisfy their narrow political will and exclusive ideology all at the expense of our democracy.

There is no accountability nor full disclosure of the greedy "hidden" damp hands that predetermine the outcome of elections across the nation. On Tuesday, the charade went down in Iowa. Next it will be in New Hampshire, then in South Carolina, Florida and so on. This is why we need a Constitutional Amendment to make elections publicly financed and free from monetary corruption. Let's stop this disgrace!

Income inequality leads to economic injustice that undermines basic fairness and democracy. Both Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr demanded economic equality and justice for all. Occupy the Dream/Occupy Wall Street is now mobilizing throughout the country to challenge these inequities and to restore equal opportunity and a participatory democracy for all where the dream of freedom, justice and equality will be a reality for all. Join us on January 16, 2012. Occupy the Dream today. Get the Greed & Money Out of Politics! Go to

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