Who really wants to move home with mom and dad -- go from a non-stop social lifestyle, to a routine where your biggest plans for the day is hitting up Costco with mom?
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Well, it is almost to that point. The honeymoon period is over. It could be the fall weather, or that college football is in season. But, the nostalgic yearning for college is something that many post-grads are feeling. This longing is even stronger for those still living at home after college. Much has been written about parents dealing with their adult children living at home after graduation. But, what about the post grads? Who really wants to move home with mom and dad -- go from a non-stop social lifestyle, to a routine where your biggest plans for the day is hitting up Costco with mom?

Granted, time with family after being away for four years is a gift and those Costco runs can be nice at first. However, after six months there can be an unnerving sound of the cracking of eggshells. It might be the casual hinting by the roommates (mom and dad), saying things like "so what is your plan?" or "have you found a job yet?" But, it is time for the train to leave the depot. Here are some tips to get the process moving.

1. Get a game plan. Everyone loves a game plan -- including parents. Set a date for when you plan on launching out of your house and where you plan on going. What needs to be done in order to make this launch a reality? This will ease up the tension and give you and your parents a goal to work towards.

2. Start saving. With the onset of the holidays come numerous seasonal job opportunities. Take advantage of living at home and lack of a social life and save. Saving up a couple months worth of rent will help reduce stress once you make the jump from home.

3. Have open conversations with your parents on what you can expect after you move out. Some kids go cold turkey once they leave the nest and are fully independent. Others are slowly weaned off, with parents helping out with cell phone bills and health insurance. Obviously everyone's circumstances are different, but having a goal toward some type of independence will increase self-esteem for parents and post-grads.

4. Stop being picky about jobs. Newsflash, no one lands their dream job with the corner office at 22-years-old. Remember, it is much easier to find a job if you have a job. Try narrowing your search to a general industry that you think you would enjoy working, rather than a specific position.

5. Set up informational meetings, e-mail your parents friends asking them for advice, and get your name out there. Yes it can get overwhelming when your parents friends are constantly asking you what your plans are, and yes it is tempting to skirt the question. However, be bold and open about what you are trying to accomplish... you never know where your honestly will lead you. Invite as many people in your search for a job as possible.

6. Can't seem to land a job? Maybe it's because you need more experience. Start interning locally. Not as exciting or glamorous, but you get an opportunity to learn from the ground up. Additionally, smaller companies and organizations sometimes offer more opportunities for more responsibility. Check out websites such as internqueen.com. They list hundreds of internships.

7. Do not underestimate social media networks. LinkedIn is now the number one recruiting tool used by HR. Try to tailor your Facebook to your career organizations. "Like" the organizations you would want to work for. Another way is through instagram -- follow people that work where you might want to work.

8. If you cannot find exactly what you are looking for then create your own internship. Find an organization/publication that you think could use a unique talent of your and offer to create your own internship.

9. When you finally get an interview, DO NOT be afraid to infer that you are the best candidate for the position. An interview is not a time to hold back.

10. Be patient. The corporate world takes time. While they are the top of your list, most times you are at the bottom of yours.

11. Have a plan B... maybe even a C. Don't think that just because you might have an interview that you have a job. Keep lining things up, networking, and finding and creating new opportunities.

12. Lastly -- NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK. Carry a business card and while sharing your goals pass them your card. You have nothing to lose.

If all this seems like an insinuation to be a bit of a stalker... it's because it is! Be patient, be persistent, and be pragmatic. The world is your oyster.

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