Hey Congress, Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Bad For Your Health

To the senators from the many states of denial, YOUR health is at stake. Aging senators (their median age is 61) should consider how much their own personal health may depend on fetal tissue and stem cell research. Our understanding of various diseases resulting in dementia, blindness, or other disabilities has expanded in part because of research done on donated fetal tissue.
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Using heavily edited videos made by frauds as an excuse, long-time misogynists in the Senate scheduled a knee-jerk vote to defund Planned Parenthood.

The stupidity of this exercise would be laughable if it weren't so ignorant and cruel. For too long, women's health, like minority health and mental health, has been a second-class citizen in American health policy, subject to the ideologies and mythologies of short-sighted politicians. Planned Parenthood might not be the leading source of erectile dysfunction medication for members of Congress, but senators and representatives must understand they are hurting themselves when they attack fetal tissue research and defund Planned Parenthood.

To the senators from the many states of denial, YOUR health is at stake:
Aging senators (their median age is 61) should consider how much their own personal health may depend on fetal tissue and stem cell research. Our understanding of various diseases resulting in dementia, blindness, or other disabilities has expanded in part because of research done on donated fetal tissue. The Alzheimer's Association reports one in three of our fellow Americans dies with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. To members of Congress, you are not spared from these statistics. You can not afford to waste more time (yours and ours) attacking biomedical research. Furthermore, fetal tissue donations for the purpose of scientific research represent a fragment of a fraction of Planned Parenthood's work. Additionally, research on fetal tissue represents less than one per cent of the projects funded by the National Institutes of Health. Nonetheless, donated fetal tissue has contributed to breakthroughs enjoyed by current members of Congress, such as vaccines against polio and chickenpox.

But perhaps this is too much "science talk" for members of Congress. After all, one in four Americans believe the sun goes around the Earth, and Congress should not be considered an exception, so let's not get too bogged down by incredible scientific research and discovery.

Planned Parenthood is about Murica's health:
Instead of lingering on scientific jargon, let's change to the sexier topic of sex, and how Planned Parenthood protects what some would say is the real Great American Pastime. Planned Parenthood has provided over 3.5 million women with affordable birth control. Over four million people have had sexually transmitted infections (STI's) diagnosed and treated, and over 700,000 have been screened for HIV. In fact, providing contraception and treating STI's account for about 76 percent of services provided by Planned Parenthood. Given how much our country enjoys sex but dislikes talking honestly about it, Planned Parenthood is vital. You're welcome, America.

My bluntness and sarcasm have probably gotten the better of me in writing this article, and perhaps I have been glib about the science literacy of Congress. After all, the House of Representatives deserves some credit for passing the 21st Century Cures Act (fingers crossed that it won't be another huge give-away to Big Pharma). However, it is hypocritical to pass such legislation (and earlier stem cell research laws), reap benefits from discoveries, and then condemn ethical, law-abiding research for convenient political points.

Furthermore, by amplifying distortions and outright lies about Planned Parenthood's involvement in fetal tissue research, members of Congress are demonstrating their true colors about women's health. Planned Parenthood has an exemplary track record of empowering women and families. Rather than celebrating these triumphs, politicians are portraying them as threats.

For decades, Planned Parenthood has done the hard work politicians detest by being a source of health, wellness, and strength to millions of Americans, especially those living in low-income communities. Defunding those services, even if it is only a political theatricality with no chance of becoming actual law, is a slap in the face to millions of women, thousands of healthcare providers and the public's health.

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