Think what you will of the issues, Trump's personality and total lack of a moral compass make him unfit to lead.
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I could not stand to be complicit, through inaction, in the possible election of a man who, in addition to being woefully unprepared to lead the most important democracy on the planet, displays, time and time again, a lack of basic human decency. The election is just a month away, and registration deadlines are coming up. We must all exercise our right to vote and take back the direction of our country.

In last night's debate, Mr. Trump suggested jailing his political opponent, insulted minority voters by repeatedly mentioning inner cities--as if saying the words would make them flock to him--and broke with Pence in order to praise Putin and Assad as strong on terror. He repeatedly attacked Clinton for not accomplishing everything she set out to, as if holding political office gave her absolute power and our political system did not have checks and balances.

He answered a question about Aleppo by mentioning Mosul, which is in Iraq, not Syria, and suggested that the U.S. should not warn civilians so they can leave before airstrikes, nor inform those fighting in alliances with us so they can coordinate their offensives.

He displayed complete ignorance both of international affairs and the political system he hopes to lead. His behavior betrays an underlying assumption that lying and manipulating people's fears are a legitimate way of gaining political traction.

As usual, his responses to debate questions lacked detail and finesse. His only source of information seem to be his own delusions--"many people are saying," in his own mind. His ignorance of even the domestic situation-- all he can say is that everything in the U.S. is a "disaster"--are not only disqualifying for a presidential candidate, but make him unfit to lead in any capacity.

I decided how I would vote in this election based on the issues a long time ago. I did not, and could not support a candidate who denies climate change, has no plan for the Middle East and virtually no understanding of foreign policy, and who peddles isolationism and lowering taxes on the rich as the silver bullet that will solve all of America's economic woes.

I could not support a candidate who makes no effort to understand the issues we face. His recent comments on women should be an impetus for more people to disavow his divisiveness. I urge those of his supporters who have not left him yet to reconsider their support for a man who is unfit for leadership and demonstrably a bad person.

In the debate, he repeatedly dismissed his own comments condoning sexual assault as "locker room talk." News flash, Mr. Trump: sexual assault does not suddenly become acceptable in certain locations or when the aggressor has fame. It is ALWAYS unacceptable.

Trump's latest comments on women are his most egregious, but they fit into a pattern of taking advantage of people, particularly those who are most vulnerable. This pattern is evident in his exploitation of undocumented workers who had no legal recourse when they weren't paid, and in his refusal to pay hundreds of people who helped build his properties.

His dehumanizing conduct goes beyond business dealings. He has demeaned Mexican immigrants--who have often fled violence and seek to contribute to the U.S. economy--as rapists and criminals. He scapegoats Muslims and blames refugees for the terror they seek to escape, as they struggle to build new lives in foreign lands, without communities to support them, but never losing hope that they can realize their deepest aspirations and give their children a better life.

His comments and actions are not just sexist and disturbing. They deny women, minorities, refugees and everyone he has cheated, their human dignity. He lacks that basic human quality--compassion--that tells us it is wrong to exploit people's vulnerabilities, lie, and take advantage of others.

Think what you will of the issues, Trump's personality and total lack of a moral compass make him unfit to lead. His latest comments on women, and his pattern of dehumanizing others should not be broadcast to the world as the attitudes and character of a leader. His embrace of rape culture makes him a danger to all.

Both Republicans and Democrats must reclaim the values that make this nation great. This will be news to Trump, but dehumanizing minorities and degrading women never were among those values, and never will be. Let's all rebuke his attitude, his ignorance and his narrow-mindedness at the polls next month. We can't let a sexist, psychopathic, and xenophobic demagogue have even the slightest chance of leading our great nation.

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