Cartoon: The Elephant That Squeaked

For being the so-called "strong defense" party, the GOP sure screams like a little girl.
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For being the so-called "strong defense" party, the GOP sure screams like a little girl. Every time there is an act of terror, the Neocons freak out beyond all proportion. Between "Filibuster" Joe Lieberman's outright hissyfit on ABC's This Week, demanding that Gitmo be kept open, (so we can keep on torturing folks, because that works so well); Colorado Senatorial candidate Jane Norton's assertion that the health care bill coddles terrorists, (did I mention she was the Nutball Party candidate?); and Count Cheney's predictable screeches from the secure undisclosed crypt, Bin Laden must be grinning like a cat.


What the Teabag right seems to have forgotten is that we had an election about how to respond to terrorism. The Torture Everyone strategy was judged fit only for clogging toilets. Now that we have an actual adult in the White House, perhaps we can get over the need for spastic waterboarding every time some loser decides to play hide-a-bomb. There have been attacks, there will be attacks, and we are going to miss some. The shitty truth is that there is simply no realistic way to terror-proof our country. So let's keep our heads and remember what we are supposed to represent: the Rule of Law.

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