Dear Radio Diary: Behind the Scenes at Boomer Alley Radio

Dear Radio Diary: Behind the Scenes at Boomer Alley Radio
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Dear Radio Diary:

I didn't want to jinx it, so I haven't written about this until now.

But seeing as we've just been signed on for another year, here's the scoop:

For the past 8 months, I've been producing and co-hosting an hour-long "radio party" that airs on radio stations in LA and Denver and podcast.

The show's name is Boomer Alley Radio. The host - aka "my boss" - aka the person who drives me nuts - in a largely fun way - on most days - is Marc Sotkin.

Marc was the head writer of The Golden Girls.

In my past life as a New Yorker, I had announced The Golden Girls on Lifetime.

Cosmic, right?

But that's bubkes compared to how I got this radio job.

I had moved to Boulder, Colorado in 2007 after a lifetime as an East Coaster/New Yorker. Twenty-five years of that time was spent in Brooklyn, which is a city I'd still love to live in, if someone could just push it west into the Rockies.

Boulder has a brainy side.

Boulder is also a city where people will tell you, when you ask "what do you do?" that they are 110-year old healers from the planet Vortex.

This fact fascinated me on two levels.

I had been asking people "what do you do?" for the last year as part of series called "What is Work?" that I'd been posting in Huffington Post Living.

I'd interviewed some awesome people for my series, from NYT's Gail Collins, to an environmentally friendly funeral director in Boring, Oregon who was known as The Green Reaper.

But all that work had failed to yield a personally-satisfying answer the Big Question I was asking the world.

Where was my dream job? And, oh, healers from alien planets, why was it taking so (#*#*& long to find?

So when my friend Christine asked me a) what my perfect job was and b) to "take a step toward it," I smiled at her as a Brooklynite would smile at a crazy - but not too crazy - subway person.

Christine had ditched a too-linear life in Texas to take a chance in Colorado. Her dream was to help people do work they loved. I was willing help her by test-driving her latest technique.

And so, in an otherwise normal-looking city park, I took a step forward.

That night, Marc Sotkin called me.

He was starting this radio show. Did I wanna work on it?

I did. And I am.

How amazing is that?

Gotta run. More soon,

(ps: Wait til I tell you about booking my dream guests Sharon Osbourne and Billy Collins. Seriously.)

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