Towards Hope, Beyond The Election

When love is our motivator, and not fear, we can bring this country together. I am a Christian and I am an American.
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Associated Press

It is no secret by now that many people are not happy about the two unpopular candidates for president. Like it or not, however, one of these two will be our next commander-in-chief. Whether it is Donald or Hillary, the election may be coming to an end, but the work has hardly begun. Regardless of who becomes president, we must fight for the soul of our nation, for the heart of our democracy, for the unalienable freedoms that this nation was founded upon. When we acknowledge that those freedoms have always come with limitations (exlcuding slaves, women, and other minorities), we see the need for the continued fight until ALL are free, protected, and valued as a part of a great, diverse American family.

The task ahead of us - especially as faith leaders - is a daunting one: we must unite a country that is as divided as it has ever been.

Fear has crept up in our national narrative, forcing some to revert to phobic reactions to those that are deemed different. Violence is becoming an expected occurrence in our headlines. (Every morning when I log on to check the headlines, I do so with an uneasy, unsettled stomach.) It has become almost normal to see body cam videos of state-sanctioned violence against persons of color; and now, detestable violent acts against police are becoming more and more frequent. Immigrants are fleeing war-stricken parts of the world, seeking refuge in nations that are safe and at peace. Some propose building walls and creating barriers to accepting those running for their lives. America's heart is sick. We cannot counter violence with violence, or fight fear with fear. We cannot let fear be our motivation. Fear must not win. No matter how dark the circumstances, we must look for the light of hope.

While fear motivates many, at the same time and for countless others, love is countering and challenging fear-promoted narratives, rhetoric, and policies. There are religious leaders, such as Dr. William Barber, that are using their pulpit and influence to promote a non-partisan platform of moral renewal. Dr. Barber's words to the Democratic National Convention electrified those in attendance and the millions watching in their homes as he called for a revival of the heart, a resuscitation. He pleaded for us all to attune to our morals, "I say to you tonight that some issues are not left versus right or liberal versus conservative," he said. "They are right versus wrong." Love is the means to this transformation. Only love can overcome fear. Only love can heal and bring this nation together. When love is our motivator, and not fear, we can bring this country together.

I am a Christian and I am an American.

As a person of faith, I wholly embrace my Judeo-Christian heritage to welcome the stranger, to love my neighbor and my enemy, to take care of the poor, to feed the hungry, to bind up the captives, to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God - all of which is commanded without exception. I refuse to be a hypocrite that takes seriously some of the easier passages in the scriptures while denying the numerous difficult passages. There can be no denying that justice is the foundation of our sacred texts - this can be also confirmed by God's many judgments against Israel when they fail to act justly. I stand with Dr. Barber in his rightful assertion that too many care so much about what God said so little while caring so little about what God said so much (paraphrased). See his powerful speech here.

As an American, I also embrace my heritage of a nation that was founded upon and for liberty, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and other freedoms that give opportunity to so many. I also embrace a heritage that was the result of conquest, inquisition, and as a Southerner, an economic system built on slavery. There is no perfect country and America has scars and stains from a history from the underside that included genocide, racism, and the oppression of women. However, through various moral movements in our history as a nation, we have fought for women's rights, fought for civil rights and the inclusion of all persons regardless of race, class, orientation, or religious preference. Yet we have so far to go, still. There are still pockets of these problems that plague communities around the country. That is why, as an American, I must continue to fight until this is really the "Land of the Free" - that means ALL people.

Let me be clear in conclusion: The future of our country does not rest alone on the shoulders our next president or our elected officials. We, the people, are the ones that can change the direction of our nation. This is the heart of a democracy - by the people, for the people. Our future, therefore, will be shaped by the collective of individuals that speak up, act out, and stand together.

The question is, will we let love or fear lead and guide our actions in our communities, workplaces, and families? What kind of nation will we be?

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