Chris Matthews Should Be "Imused"

Chris Matthews Should Be "Imused"
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If there is going to be any fairness in broadcast media, Chris Matthews should be fired immediately from NBC and MSNBC. In a desperate move to gain audience and market share for his failing show, he allowed Ann Coulter one full hour to spout off her pornographic and obscene hatred over the airwaves. Matthews's excuse for putting her on the air is that she is controversial, sells a lot of books, and is a great writer. Mein Kampf was a best seller for many years and its author was brilliant and controversial. Perhaps Matthews should have a segment of his show for psychopaths and political haters. Can you imagine if any liberal spoke of a Republican Presidential candidate the way Coulter did about John Edwards? She actually said that terrorists should kill Edwards.

Does Matthews know that most of her books are bought in bulk by right wing organizations and think tanks to fudge the best-seller lists? Is he aware that she is getting a lot of help from the right wing media organizations that constantly promote her books? My belief is that he knows all of this and yet he still put her on the air. In my opinion Matthews has done more damage to broadcast media than Imus did by spouting off a silly racist joke. In the case of Imus, everyone knew that it was a joke in bad taste. In the case of Coulter, it was not a joke and her comments degrade and cheapen our political discourse. For that, Matthews should be summarily dismissed.

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