My Response To Some Comments On Recent Posts

My Response To Some Comments On Recent Posts
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I really hit a nerve with many of you on the recent Maher posts. Most of the comments were very favorable about my analysis of Maher. He is not Jon Stewart, Keith Olbermann or Al Franken. It is a shame that a man with such talent has no spine. It is all talk. I just got an email from a friend who gave me a link to a segment of the Maher show yesterday. It is at For those who support Maher, I have only one question. Why didn't he ask Hitchens to leave? That finger wave was an insult to his audience and Maher should apologize. Since I do not watch the show anymore, I missed it.

I thank most of you for your comments from my most recent post: Air America Complaint Department at I especially want to thank ImmigratEmigrant for the following post

Mr. Drobny:

I reacted to your previous article today in typical HP-poster fashion, glibly pointing out how you have misunderstood the Maher show.

Well, I apologize.

I am struck by the sincerity of your post and the obvious frustration and anger, and I can identify with a certain sense of helplessness/powerlessness that comes across.

Indeed, this is no laughing matter.

All the best to you.
By: ImmigrantEmigrant on August 25, 2006 at 06:26pm

For the commentor who wrote that AAR hosts may not be against the war in Iraq, you obviously are not listening. There is not a single host who supports the war in Iraq. Some, including Mike Malloy are highly critical of Israel's recent war.

For those of you who comment about my spelling and grammar mistakes, I would hate to be your IM buddy.

And for all of the rght wingers that accuse me of being a socialist, that is a very strange profession for a VC CPA.

For those of you that comment that communism does not work, tell me about the economy of "Red" China which is America's largest single creditor at $200 Billion and counting.

For those of you who love Gates and Buffet, let them give $50 Billion to develop alternatives to fossil fuels. If that were done now, oil futures prices would crash and the suffering masses throughout the world would really get some relief. And there would be no more windfall oil profits that support Middle East terrorists.

For the stupid politicians who could end this worldwide suffering, it is not that complicated but it does take courage. If a Manhattan/Lunar landing type project would be funded at half the cost of the war in Iraq, oil prices would crash even further and that would be the greatest offensive against the "war on terrorism."

For those rich elites who think blogs, think tanks, and the Internet is the answer to offset the right wing media monopoly please take another look at talk radio and look what has happened to our country and the MSM in the last 20 years.

And for the rest of you who do not like my writings, take a look at the picture of Hitchens above and pretend it is my reaction to you.

Some people have called me a visionary about my business and political ideas. The fact is that I am not a visionary. I am an ordinary guy who has the ability to think and I have no vested interests in government and elitism.

I am sure Arianna cringes every time I attack the Hollywood hypocrites, many of whom she has a business or social relationship with including her co-investors on this blog. But if it is Internet traffic that she wants, she has gotten a lot from my posts even though I have never been a featured post. But, alas I am not David Mamet or Rebecca Pidgeon.

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