At Walter Reed "Only the Appearance of Accountability"

General Weightman's replacement, Lt. Kiley, is at least as responsible as Weightman for the scandalous mistreatment of veterans in the outpatient facilities. Kiley used to run Walter Reed.
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So now the Army Secretary, Francis Harvey, has resigned over the Walter Reed scandal. Great. That's a good follow up to the firing of Major General George Weightman, who had headed Walter Reed. Now let's talk about the man who has inexplicably taken Weightman's place.

You see, General Weightman's replacement, Lt. General Kevin C. Kiley, is at least as responsible as Weightman for the scandalous mistreatment of veterans in the outpatient facilities.

The Washington Post, which broke the original story and continues to do great follow up, reports that Lt. General Kiley, who used to run Walter Reed before becoming Army surgeon general, had been warned repeatedly about outpatient neglect. The authors of the original story, Dana Priest and Anne Hull, reported Thursday that Kiley, who lives across the street from the notorious Building 18, as "far back as 2003 was told that soldiers who were wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan were languishing and lost on the grounds."

A Florida congressman and his wife personally told Kiley about abuse they had witnessed while visiting soldiers at Walter Reed, but they got nowhere. And there are more horror stories.

As the Post puts it in an editorial Friday morning, "the Army's reshuffle is really about projecting the appearance of accountability, not punishing those most responsible."

Kiley should be the next to go.

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