How Could I Do Anything Else?

After Cindy Sheehan spoke at our Out of Iraq Teach-In in D.C. in June, we began corresponding via e-mail and phone, mother to mother. When I heard she was going to Crawford, I simply e-mailed my colleagues and said, "I'm going to Crawford to be with Cindy." How could I do anything else?
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As a military mom, I was drawn to Cindy and her story. She had lived through one of my worst fears, and yet had the strength and courage to move forward. After she spoke at our Out of Iraq Teach-In in D.C. in June, we began corresponding via e-mail and phone, mother to mother. When I heard she was going to Crawford, I simply e-mailed my colleagues and said, "I'm going to Crawford to be with Cindy." How could I do anything else?

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