Why Outsource Your Website Content Writing?

If you cannot properly express your expertise in writing, no one will know how good you are at your job. And the fact is, whether it is fair or accurate or not, people tend to judge overall intelligence by writing ability.
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You are running a business, and you know your business through and through. You are an expert in your field. You know what you are talking about and how to do your job. So why should you spend the money to get someone outside your field write the content for your website? Well, there are several reasons, actually.


You may know your field, but you may not be a good writer. If you cannot properly express your expertise in writing, no one will know how good you are at your job. And the fact is, whether it is fair or accurate or not, people tend to judge overall intelligence by writing ability. So if your website is full of typos, incorrect grammar, incorrect use of words, or other problems, your business as a whole will be judged as less competent and professional.

Content writing is very time consuming. Writing content for the pages on your site, writing blogs about your business, and keeping your site up-to-date and current takes a lot of time and effort. You have a business to run, and having to do the writing yourself will take away time that could be spent actually providing the products and/or services that your business was built to provide.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a business all its own. Professional content writers are trained to know how to write content so that it gets your site as close as possible to the top of the results list on the search engine page. This requires special knowledge about how search engines like Google evaluate Houston Web Design for listing purposes, what keywords and keyword phrases are most to lead people to what you do, and in general how to arrange the content for maximum results. And since the 'rules' for Search Engine Optimization change fairly frequently, the content often has to be changed and updated to accommodate. You know your business, but you likely do not have the time or energy to stay up on the changing rules of SEO and update your website to fit those rules.

It is sometimes hard for people in the business to see things from their potential customers' eyes. The first rule in any type of writing is to know your audience. And while you may know that your business is exactly what your customers need, if you can't express that in a way that acknowledges where they are coming from, you may not can properly convince them. Someone who is trained as a content writer may can do a better job of seeing your potential customers' viewpoint.

This blogger graduated from Goldman Sachs' 10,000 Small Businesses program. Goldman Sachs is a partner of the What Is Working: Small Businesses section.


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