Office Romance: A Valentine's Day Ode

On this romantic holiday, let's all raise a cup of very sweet nectar to Eros, who is no stranger to our shore. Tomorrow we can straighten up, fly right, and laugh at the idiots in the matching velour jumpsuits.
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Stanley Bing is a columnist for FORTUNE Magazine and may also be read on a daily basis at

Ah, the rosy flower of love! How beautifully it has worked out for so many people who have felt the sting of Cupid's arrow while on the job! Or... not.

Antony and Cleopatra met and fell in love while he was out conquering whatever came in his way and trying to hold his position in the Rome Corporation against a host of hostile competitors. She was running the Egyptian field office. How their passion flowed! Then came the Battle of Actium, and he sailed into the naval engagement under her banner. Unfortunately, her ships were neither as light and nimble nor as well-armed as those of his adversaries. He abandoned the fight while others stayed to die, went home, and basically died of grief. She arranged for a gentle snakebite to ease her situation. So I guess that didn't really work out so well for either of them. But when their romance was in full flower? Who would not envy such as they?

Henry the VIII! What a dude! Was there a day when he didn't fall in love at the office?...

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