A Few of My Favorite Things to Inspire a Clear and Spacious New Year

f they brighten your day, help you feel supremely good, connect you to a quiet place within, they are... not clutter. Nor an extravagance. What lifts your spirits? What helps you feel lighter and in the flow?
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As a longtime space clearing expert and teacher, my journey is about releasing things, not acquiring them; letting go, not holding on. That said, I also believe that material objects that make your heart sing are not clutter. If they brighten your day, help you feel supremely good, connect you to a quiet place within, they are... not clutter. Nor an extravagance.

What lifts your spirits? What helps you feel lighter and in the flow?

As I reflect on a new year ahead and the things that lift and nourish me on a regular basis, here's what shows up -- in no particular order:

  1. Twinkly lights. This is a mood-elevator on a string, and one of the best inventions ever! I have a 100-bulb strand draped in my kitchen and one framing my back porch -- hooked up to a push-button extension cord that I can tap with my foot for greater ease. As soon as it starts getting dark, bling, on they go -- making every day a holiday in my house.
  2. The Art of Doing Nothing: Simple Ways to Make Time for Yourself by Véronique Vienne, with photographs by Erica Lennard. I love having this small book around the house and opening it at random. With short chapters like "The Art of Yawning," "Dealing With a Guilty Conscious," and "Recipe for a Gourmet Nap," you get the picture.
  3. Anything written by Rumi. This 13th century mystic poet delivers goosebump moments with every word, and clears the channels to my heart.
  4. My digital photo frame. This device allows me to see and enjoy photos that would otherwise be lost in computer la-la land. I have mine set to change at one-hour intervals to enjoy a photo montage of my anniversary trip to Italy. The backlit screen shows details in my pictures that take me back (like the steam coming off a plate of pasta right now -- yum).
  5. My cashmere shawl. If I could take one object with me when I die, it would be this all-purpose wrap. I simply adore the feeling of being enveloped in the warmth and yumminess of something so supremely soft (... hmm, like I imagine heaven might be all the time, come to think of it).
  6. Lifebyme.com. This blog a visual treat. With its large fonts, uncluttered pages, and beautiful original art, it embodies spaciousness on every level -- a rare attribute, I think, in this increasingly noisy virtual world we call the Internet. The essay I wrote for Lifebyme turned out to be a manifesto of sorts. It's called "Home."
  7. 1,000 Awesome Things. Blog and books by Neil Pasricha are an ode to joy and food for the soul. His playful messages inspire us to live our life with a great attitude and a sense of wonder. With titles like "#90 Pinky Swears," "#807 That one really good pen that never gets lost," and "#840 Popping Bubble Wrap," for example, you can't help but want to go out and play.
  8. Sandlewood incense. I've never been a fan of incense until I learned about Nag Champa during my early studies in space clearing. It is nothing like the potent smoke bombs I associate with Catholic masses or Tibetan rituals -- both of which overwhelm my sensitive nose. Anytime I need to "clear the air," or hit the refresh button in my home or life, I'll reach for a stick of the very pure Nag Champa and allow its sweet lingering scent to waft into my space. The incense comes in a blue box and you can get it at any Whole Foods supermarket.
  9. Your Spacious Self E-Book app. I love technology that allows me to teach what I love, and give people opportunities to deepen their experience of clearing. It still amazes me that I can press a button on my iPhone and hear my own voice delivering my favorite guided meditations. The app makes it possible not only to have the entire book at your fingertips, but enjoy a whole slew of multimedia features that brings it all to life.
  10. "Self-Care Cards" app. Yes you can download Cheryl Richardson's 52-card deck app (from Hay House) onto your smartphone. With one click it randomly shuffles the deck for you and magically reveals a self-care message. Double tap on the screen and you'll see a longer message on the flip side of the card. I just opened mine while writing this post, and out popped "Rest." On the back side: "Release guilt and make your needs a top priority." I'll take it.

What helps you feel more spacious? What would you put on your list? Feel free to share your favorite things and thoughts in the comment box below.

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