Jack Johnson Water Video: Get Off The Bottle

Jack Johnson may be one of the most authentically green artists out there: he has completely greened his tours and his concert rider requests things like recycling bins and biodiesel generators.
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Jack Johnson may be one of the most authentically green artists out there. He has completely greened his tours and his concert rider requests things like recycling bins and biodiesel generators. When we made our bottled water documentary Tapped practically no one in the entertainment industry would appear in our film because they feared the backlash of the 3 biggest bottled water manufacturers - Nestle, Coke and Pepsi. That made it all the more meaningful when we got a call from Jack Johnson's camp saying he had seen our doc and wanted to host a screening in Hawaii and help us get the word out. But what's an endorsement by Jack Johnson if it doesn't include the infamous strumming of his guitar? We hope you'll share this little ditty Jack recorded for us with all your friends and urge them to take the pledge to Get Off the Bottle :

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