Behind Barack's Steely Resolve, the Idea of Unity, the Capacity to Grow

Behind Barack's Steely Resolve, the Idea of Unity, the Capacity to Grow
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Barack is ready to rumble, in the face of a White House that is AWOL. As the mind-deficient media has groused with impunity about inessentials, Barack has gathered a complement of solid choices faster than any President-elect in memory.

The notion that because people who know DC will surround him, he cannot bring change, is a cop out.

If you want to fix something, it helps to know how it works.

Barack is about proving out an idea. Like Lincoln. The idea is unity. A coat of many colors. An iron belief in the rightness and truth of unity is the source Barack's resolve.

Barack also has is an innate capacity for growth. A capacity that has put him on an unbroken 20 year track to ... this moment.

Steely resolve, infinite curiosity. How to deal with things as President-elect with nearly two months to go before lift-off.

And a vacuum of mega-proportions.

Barack's Bold Action Plan SOURCE

Barack Ramps Up Long-Held Objectives to Meet The Current Crisis. SOURCE

Yesterday I published 194 things Barack would do on assuming office. The current crisis opens the door for a swift implementation of many of these objectives.

Barack Changes The One President At A Time Mantra SOURCE

"There's no question that Bush is still president, but people are looking for signs to see what's going to happen going forward," said an Obama aide who, like others, requested anonymity when discussing deliberations inside the transition. "We're going to attempt to do that in this period."

Obama has moved with unusual speed to fill most of his top White House staff positions. And over the last week, he settled on a number of key Cabinet appointments designed to remove the uncertainty that has sparked turbulence in the financial markets and to replace it with a sense of confidence in the administration-in-waiting. He offered the all-important job of Treasury secretary to a pragmatic and experienced regulator, Timothy F. Geithner, and reached out to former campaign rival Hillary Rodham Clinton, an experienced figure known around the world, to be the country's top diplomat. After the Geithner selection was reported Friday, the Dow Jones industrial average soared nearly 500 points.

Obama & Lincoln: The Idea of Unity, The Capacity to Grow SOURCE

Check out this longish JSOnline article, "Obama studying Lincoln, but which one will he pick?" It concludes:

Wilson talks about Lincoln's ability to maintain his focus on "where things are leading. . . . He wanted to be right in place when events took their course." Donald writes about Lincoln's "enormous capacity for growth, which enabled one of the least experienced and most poorly prepared men ever elected to high office to become the greatest American president."

Vision and growth. Easy to celebrate. Not easy to emulate.

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