TV Host of "Headhunter From Hell" Stephen Viscusi, Headhunts a "TOP TEN LIST" of Diane Sawyer Replacements for Disney's/ABC's "Good Morning America."

TV Host of "Headhunter From Hell" Stephen Viscusi, Headhunts a "TOP TEN LIST" of Diane Sawyer Replacements for Disney's/ABC's "Good Morning America."
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By Stephen Viscusi

Hi, its Stephen Viscusi, the person ABC's Charlie Gibson called "American's Workplace Guru" while announcing me, as I presented a workplace segment on GMA many years ago.
I am also a headhunter and the host of the new TV network series "The Headhunter From Hell Starring Stephen Viscusi." It's not a earn reality series, but a "real series" based on my daily life as a headhunter following me and my staff. Sort of "Millionaire Matchmaker meets" " Chef Ramsey" as a corporate headhunter." I cannot wait for you to see it. Visit my website:
So the hunt is on to replace Diane Sawyer, isn't that what a headhunter is for? ABC has all these fancy producers running around in Jimmy Choo shoes to produce a show for "Mom's"...yet they have not a single Mom anchoring the show. As I recall one of the producer's was a Harvard Grad...what is in the water at Harvard? Another went to take Judith Regan's place at HarperCollins...and we all know what happened to Judith Regan at HarperCollins. The pay out the settlement after Regan left HarperCollins must have cost so many innocent people jobs, just because of a poor hiring decision.
I recently read, Tory Johnson (a former PR hack at NBC, who lost her job, who got sweet revenge by selling herself as a PR contributors to GMA--wait--did I say PR that would be too logical. Tory was hired as a paid "workplace contributor" at ABC for GMA. Tory was all excited that her new BFF (that is only a word my teenage son use's) Super Lesbian, Suze Orman of MSNBC was in the lead to replace Sawyer. Was this Johnson's revenge, on her former employer, NBC? A clever career ploy to dissuade ABC from hiring Orman to anchor, the already, all single parent anchors of ABC---Disney's GMA (Robin Roberts never talks of a boyfriend, Sam Champion always does...and Sawyer never had a kid, married quite late, her husband produces Broadway musical).
It was my impression Disney/ABC had decided to focus on attracting Moms (women), to score the all time highest ratings war for television's morning shows. "Moms" are apparently the strongest demographic for morning television.
However, here is the thing, Disney's/ABC "Good Morning America is the only morning show on network broadcast, that does not have a "parent" at the helm. Even, Hoda Kotb of the Today Show jokes with Kathy Lee about her love life.
I love to put my headhunter hat, with these TV "on-air" scenarios and add my two cents, even when not asked. I have no gripe, with the lesbians, even single straight women, and non-Moms ruling the morning talk show world. After all Oprah and Tyra are not married, and are not mothers either- -at least that we have heard of.
First, picture this in your head. "Good Morning America" with your hosts, Robin Roberts and Suze Orman, Sam Champion with weather and our news reader Chris Cuomo (who has kids). If ABC does not give the job to Cuomo and gives it to George Stephanopoulos, I would walk if I were Chris Cuomo. Better yet, here is an idea, ABC can hire, MSNBC's, talk show host, Rachel Maddow, to co-anchor with Robin Roberts. Then, ABC may be able to cross-sell their morning franchise to Viacom's LOGO network. (Just tongue and check here, before you write.

My last advice to ABC was that Barbara Walters should bring in Sarah Palin as a replacement replacement for Elizabeth Hasselbeck! Boy did I hear from thousands of my readers about that. Wow! Therefore, I hope you will let me know what you think of this list of TOP TEN.
OK-here are my top ten, more realistic picks (men and woman) to replace Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America. I write them, as a recruiter, author of the HarperCollins book "Bulletproof Your Job" and as a TV-Journalist, and writer myself:
1. Ann Curry (ABC should be trying to steal her away).
2. Kathy Lee Gifford (Meredith Viera and her are roughly the same age), she is a mom, and cannot stop talking about her kids.
3. Rosie O'Donnell (at least she has kids)
4. Campbell Brown (Former NBC Weekend Anchor of the "TODAY" show, and now has her own gig on CNN. Moreover, she cannot seem not stop having kids)
5. Dr. Phil -Come on, you know he would be great to wake up too.
6. Heidi Klum -Perfect complement to Robin and another one who can't stop having children!
7. MSNBC's "Morning Joe" contributor Willie Geist
8. ABC/Disney can go out on a limb and consider "How You Do-In'" girl, and my friend, Wendy Williams.
9. CBS Weekend Morning Show Host Chris Wragge - A HUNK that everyone seems to love.
10. And ---for my Number TEN choice---well of course... Paula Abdul...I hear... is still looking for work!

Tell me what you think! Let me know who you would pick to replace DS.

Copyright 2009
Stephen Viscusi
May be reproduced without permission of author, as long as author gets credit.
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Steph Viscusi is the author of Bulletproof Your Job (HarperCollins). He can be reached at HYPERLINK "" Please visit his website at HYPERLINK """

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