Greening the Dollar

Real progress on monetary reform is being made. Don't swallow the widespread negativism spread, out of error or by design, which tries to convince people that there's no use in fighting for justice.
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Real progress on monetary reform is being made. Don't swallow the widespread negativism spread, out of error or by design, which tries to convince people that there's no use in fighting for justice.

That strategy was taught by the Taoist philosopher Sun Tzu in The Art of War. He advised that the best way to defeat opponents is to convince them to surrender by convincing them that victory is impossible. Rather than falling for it, steel yourself! Progress on solving our monetary problems does take time, yet it is being made and will continue to be made.

For example, I was invited to give a talk at the 2007 US Green Party Convention to explain the need for monetary reform. On advice of an old friend, I called my talk "Greening the Dollar." Now, four years later, thanks to Dee Berry and Ben Kjelsus of Kansas City, MO, the US Green Party has come forward with a marvelous monetary reform plank for its economic platform! For the first time in our nation's history, a national party has proposed an effective solution to our malfunctioning monetary system! We applaud their remarkable courage and intelligence to present a genuine alternative to our malformed and unjust money system.

2011 Monetary Reform Plank of the US Green Party

First the Greens accurately state the problem:

"The present mis-structured system of privatized control has resulted in the misdirection of our resources to speculation, toxic loans, and phony financial instruments that create huge profits for the few but no real wealth or jobs. It is both possible and necessary for our government to take back its special money creation privilege and spend this money into circulation through... local and state government entities to be used for infrastructure, health, education, and the arts. This would add millions of good jobs, enrich our communities, and go a long ways toward ending the current deep recession."

Then the Greens put forward the three necessary parts of the solution:

I. "Nationalize the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, reconstituting them and the Federal Reserve Systems Washington Board of Governors under a new Monetary Authority Board within the U.S. Treasury. The private creation of money or credit which substitutes for money, will cease and with it the reckless and fraudulent practices that have led to the present financial and economic crisis."

II. "Create a Monetary Authority, which will...redefine bank lending rules and procedures to end the privilege banks now have to create money when they extend their credit...Banks will be encouraged to continue as profit making companies...[yet they] will no longer be creators of what we are using for money." (Fractional reserve banking will be ended.)

III. "The new money that must be regularly added to an improving system as population and commerce grow will be created and spent into circulation by the U. S. Government for infrastructure, including the human infrastructure of education and health care. This begins with the $2.2 trillion the American Society of Civil Engineers warns us is needed to bring existing infrastructure to safe levels over the next 5 years."

End of Plank

Getting Involved

Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) introduced H.R. 6550, The National Emergency Employment Defense (NEED) Act on December 17th, 2010. His NEED Act and the 2011 Green Party Plan share the same three essential reform components of the American Monetary Act: putting the Fed into the US Treasury; ending private money creation, and using the nation's money power to fund our infrastructure, health care and education.

The 2011 US Green Party Plank and Congressman Kucinich's NEED Act are both great achievements for the monetary reform movement. Awareness of these real solutions will inspire the capacity for positive change in our political system. It is now up to every one of us to support this leadership and transform this bill into law.

Do not be discouraged by the phony and ridiculous arguments over the national debt as portrayed by Rupert Murdoch's criminal media operation and by others. Don't be fooled by the nonsense arguments of having states going into the banking business, which would leave the fractional reserve system intact, actually worsening the problem and reforming nothing.

Dee Berry and Ben Kjelsus, both in their 70's, made an inspiring presentation at the 6th Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference. Progress will be made, because for humanity to survive and advance, progress must be made!

Educate your friends, family, and local government representatives on this monetary reform, using our free 32 page brochure at our website. Read The Lost Science of Money and become a member of the American Monetary Institute to keep informed.

Monetary reform is about realizing our vision to leave a better world for our children and grandchildren. It's about our ability to evolve toward a higher human destiny, toward our highest aspirations. Kucinich and the Greens are doing their part. Now it's our turn.

Edited by Jules Brouillet.

Zarlenga is co-founder and Director of the American Monetary Institute and author of
The Lost Science of Money. Meet him at The 7th Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference!
Brouillet is a researcher for the American Monetary Institute.

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