Why You Should Do the 'Impossible' (And <i>How</i>, Because I Know It's Hard)

I'm a big believer that anything is possible. That "crazy" business idea you have. Running a marathon when you presently get winded climbing the stairs at work. Taking a year off to travel the world. An amazing relationship with the great guy you're convinced doesn't exist.
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I'm a big believer that anything is possible.

That "crazy" business idea you have. Running a marathon when you presently get winded climbing the stairs at work. Taking a year off to travel the world. An amazing relationship with the great guy you're convinced doesn't exist.

It's possible. The only thing between where you are now and having, creating, finishing and completing those seemingly impossible items is your belief that it's not.

If someone out there is doing or has done it, you can do it, too.

If no one out there is doing or has done it, you can still do it.

Have you heard the story of the four-minute mile?

It was believed to be impossible. Nobody could run a four-minute mile... until one day in 1954, Roger Bannister ran the mile in 3:59.4. And you know what happened next? Someone else ran the mile in less than four minutes... followed by many others. Because suddenly, they knew it was possible, so they did it.

But what if we just cut out that middle step -- waiting for someone else to prove that it is possible -- and just went out and did it ourselves? For ourselves?

I don't care how many people tell you or try to prove otherwise, if you want something in this life, it's possible. It's possible because by universal law, if it's something you're driven to create in your life or self, you've been gifted with all the necessary tools, skills, drive and connections you need to make it happen.

You're not put here with a drive to create something for yourself unless you were also given everything you need to do it.

That's a fact.

Once you do the impossible, you'll finally see that anything you want to do is within your reach. It just takes drive, dedication, passion and the right mindset.

So let's move on to the how... because I know it's not easy.

How to Do the Impossible

1) Decide what you want to do -- start small.

What is something you would love to do, that feels impossible but is on the "easy" end of the holy-impossible-scale? The key though, is to make sure it's the kind of goal that doesn't just seem impossible because you can't do it right now, but that it will require you to really stretch and push yourself. For example:

Regular goal: Run the mile.
"Impossible" goal: Run the mile in four minutes.

Make sense? It has to push you. You know you can run a mile if you just get in shape, eat better and try, but what would it take to run it in just four minutes?

2) Get inspired.

There are two options for this. First, you can seek out people who've done what you want to do. Really dive in and see how they did it, what motivated them and what you can learn from their experience. Create an inspiration book or board where you catalogue everything you can find related to accomplishing your "impossible" goal.

Second, you can create a simple inspiration/vision board. If no one's done what you want to do, doesn't matter. You can inspire yourself. Think about what it will feel like to accomplish this goal, what your life will be like and who you want celebrating with you. Clip out images, inspirational sayings and inspiring words and create a vision book or board that embodies all of the above.

3) Get out there and do it.

You know what you're going to do, you've got the inspiration... now? It's time to make it happen. It won't be easy and you will run into obstacles and roadblocks. You'll also have to battle with all your "reasons" (aka excuses) for why it can't be done, but you'll never know what's possible unless you dedicate yourself to doing it.

Break the goal down into micro-goals, deadlines and milestones. All the way until there's something you can do today or tomorrow -- and then go do it. Take it one step at a time, remember that setbacks, bad days and missteps are a part of the process when doing something "impossible." It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it.

Remember that things change as we begin to work towards something new. You may have to revise your plan, take some time off, rest, recover or switch things up. That's okay, and is absolutely part of the process. Don't beat yourself up if it doesn't go perfectly... the point is to keep moving forward! You'll get there.

4) Celebrate, you did it!

Take the time to celebrate your accomplishment. You did something that seemed impossible! You worked hard, battled mindset blocks and found a way through and around obstacles and roadblocks, you deserve to celebrate.

5) Repeat with something bigger.

Now that you know the impossible is possible, move on to a larger goal and repeat the process.

Take action now!

What do you really want to do, but haven't, because it feels impossible? Make a list of all the things you believe are impossible, but really want to create, do or have in your life. Once you're done, go through the list and pick something "impossible" but small... Share it in the comments below and let me know how you plan to start moving towards achieving it!

Stephenie Zamora is the founder of www.StephenieZamora.com;, a full-service, life-purpose development, design and branding boutique. Here she merges the worlds of personal development and branding to help young women build passion-based businesses. Click here to learn the EXACT foundational process that took Stephenie from a stressed and depressed mess, to happy, fulfilled and living a life built around her passions and purpose!

Connect with Stephenie on Facebook and Twitter!

Need help creating a clear, step-by-step ACTION PLAN that will get you there with ease, eliminate obstacles and prevent you from throwing in the towel at any point during your journey? My program, Foundations for Unshakable Joy™ will help you do that and soooo much more! This 6-week group coaching program will help you get clarity around what EXACTLY you want out of life and what it will take to make that happen (because your dream life? totally possible, I promise).

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"I think the biggest thing Stephenie helped me with is coming to a place where I believe in myself again. I now know in my bones that my life is of my own creating; I make the rules, no one else! There is no 'right way' to do things, and knowing that is freedom." -Ashley Gwilliam

For more by Stephenie Zamora, click here.

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