How to Make the Most of Every Moment

There's nothing wrong with a little time in front of the TV, and there's certainly nothing wrong with checking in with people you love on Facebook. The problem is that many of us spend far too much time on these activities, turning them into a time suck that actually further drains energy!
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Do you ever feel like days, weeks, months and years just slip away from you? There's so much you wish to accomplish, but never do? Maybe it's the New Year's resolutions that you set or the goals to lose some weight, start a business and read more.

Whatever the goal, you're just not getting it done.

On top of that, you feel stressed out, overwhelmed and exhausted by life. How on Earth are you supposed to move forward on things you want to do when the things you need to do every day wear you down?

It's time for a truth bomb.

Even if you're insanely busy with work, life, family and errands... you likely waste a good amount of time every single day.

Be honest with yourself... How much TV do you watch a week? How much time do you spend on Facebook, surfing the web or doing any other mindless activity?

This is not about beating yourself up or feeling bad, it's about getting honest where you're wasting precious time each day on things that aren't making you feel amazing or moving you forward on goals that are really important to you.

There's nothing wrong with a little time to veg out in front of the TV, and there's certainly nothing wrong with checking in with people you love on Facebook. The problem is that many of us spend far too much time on these activities, turning them into a time suck that actually further drains energy!

Three Steps to Make the Most of Every Moment

1) Start by making two lists.

I know you might be thinking, "But Stephenie, I have a million lists!" These are special lists, so hear me out and give them a go.

The first list is things to do that make you feel ah-mazing! Things that relax, energize, de-stress and fulfill you. This could be calling your bestie, eating a piece of dark chocolate in a bubble bath, reading, going for a walk or run, being outdoors, swimming, drawing, laughing, favorite tunes, etc.

These items bring you pleasure and joy.

The second list is action items that will move you forward on your goals. Start by reversing your big goals -- so if you want to start a business, break that goal down into goals that are small enough to take action on in an hour or less. Then, add those items to your second list.

These must be things that move you forward!

Important: These are not to-do lists! Be protective of these two lists and ensure that you're only putting items on them that a) bring you pleasure and joy, or b) are action items that will move you forward on your goals.

2) Utilize your two lists.

When you find yourself with a pocket of time during the day, instead of hopping on Facebook for some mindless, uninspired scrolling, take out your two lists and choose an item. If you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, pick something from your "Pleasure + Joy List." If you're feeling good and like you want to take action, choose an item from your "Action List."

Choose an item that fits your mood and energy level, but also fits the amount of time you have available in that moment. If it's an evening, choose something that requires more time, like a long bubble bath or writing a blog post for your business. If it's 15 minutes, choose items like slowly enjoying a piece of dark chocolate or doing some quick research online.

3) Continue to add to and adjust your lists.

As time goes on, you'll begin to accomplish goals and start to feel awesome every day. This is great, but the key is to consistently adjust and update your lists.

If you find that something you thought would bring you pleasure didn't, remove it from the list. On the flip side, if you think of something new that makes you feel amazing, add it! For your action items, be sure to constantly review your progress and update the list as needed with new micro goals and action items. Make sure the action items are clear and specific, not vague. If they're not clear, you'll waste time trying to figure out what you should be doing when you find yourself with a pocket of time.

Take Action Now!

Get out two pieces of paper and get to work. List A is your "Pleasure + Joy List" and should be filled with things to do (short and lengthy timeframes) that make you feel amazing. These are self-care items!

Then, break some of your most important goals down (two to three priority goals -- no more!) into micro goals and then small, actionable tasks for List B, your "Action List." Remember, small and clearly actionable goals is key!

Exciting News!

The first two Awesome Life Guide Quickies™ are now available on the Products + Programs page!

I've created two quick and actionable ebooks that help you make major mindset shifts and life transformations, on your own, for very specific issues you're facing! Visit the products + programs page now!

Stephenie Zamora is the founder of, a full-service, life-purpose development, design and branding boutique. Here she merges the worlds of personal development and branding to help young women build passion-based businesses. Click here to download her free guide, "The Unexpected Trick to Transforming Your Life With ONE Single Question."

Connect with Stephenie on Facebook and Twitter!

For more by Stephenie Zamora, click here.

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