"A Diploma in One Hand, a Voter Card in the Other"

"A Diploma in One Hand, a Voter Card in the Other"
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Given the level of excitement among young people during this year's primary process, doesn't it make sense to register as many outgoing public high school seniors as possible by graduation day next month? Project Vote has been doing some work on this, but doesn't this make sense for NEA & AFT leaders all across the country, for public school superintendents, for school board members?
After all, whether we're in Boston or Boise or Birmingham, public high school seniors are a more diverse group than their surrounding community, and more likely to vote progressive.
When I used to work for Reverend Jesse Jackson, he often spoke to public high schools, where he used the line that seniors should graduate with "a diploma in one hand, and a voter card in the other"--that still makes sense to me.

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