Featured Fifty Fine Arts: Contemplation

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Steve McKenzie is an Atlanta artist who has painted for over 25 years. At the age of 50, Steve left corporate America as CEO of a subsidiary of a Fortune Top 5, and now dedicates his time to his painting and a new home interior store and gallery featuring his designs and painting. Two years later he has never looked back but only sees what creativity and time will bring to his work and the future. McKenzie does not start with a preconceived notion, but rather, beginning with Venetian plaster combined with dry pigments, lays out a ground that then is sanded and recoated repeatedly. He then paints in acrylics and often incorporates old love letters and ephemera, as seen in the piece "Contemplation." Steve's work is available in his gallery in Atlanta, steve mckenzie's and Galerie Protégé in NYC.

"Contemplation," painted in the spring of 2012, is mixed media on plaster 60" x 40". The text in this piece comes from a postcard written from the Czech-German border during WWI. I find old love letters and documents in flea markets and try to collaborate with their original writers to produce work relevant for today.


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