Are Apple and Facebook Threats to Web Freedom?

Having somebody like Steve Jobs as the ultimate arbiter of what apps can get in and out is an incredibly bad thing for freedom.
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When Elizabeth Stark co-founded the Open Video Alliance in 2008, it's safe to say that most folks thought that the words "Web" and "Open" were synonymous.

Stark is an Ivy League optimist. She's the kind of intellectual that tends to see the glass as half full. So when she says there are clouds on the horizon, you have to pay attention.

Now Stark is worried, and she says we have reason to worry as well.

"I can thank my friends over at Facebook, because people realize what is potentially at stake, when there is such a large power there, when somebody has the type of centralized control when they can dictate whether your entire profile goes public or not," says Stark.

For Stark, centralized control is a threat to freedom. It's as simple as that.

Stark has been called a leader in the global free culture movement and is a Visiting Fellow at the Yale Information Society Project, a Lecturer in Computer Science at Yale University, and a Knight Media Policy Fellow at the New America Foundation. A graduate of Harvard Law School, she performed research for the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.

"Now that given the Facebook privacy issues were on the cover of, for example, Time magazine, it is getting a lot of mainstream coverage that it hadn't previously."

There's no doubt that Stark sees fellow Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg as leading a closed media ecosystem that threatens freedom, but Facebook isn't the only cloud on the Horizon. Stark says Apple's recent censorship looms large as a threat to the free culture movement.

"Apple's market cap now exceeds Microsoft's, so they are really on a power trip. "

Just as Facebook runs a closed system with total control, Steve Jobs and the Apple ecosystem make all the rules for their users.

Stark explains: "having somebody like Steve Jobs as the ultimate arbiter of what apps can get in and out is an incredibly bad thing for freedom -- not only freedom, but for innovation."

"Even Bill Gates and Windows was open to such that anybody could develop an app for the Windows operating system. It's not like Bill Gates was sitting there saying, "Yes, no, yes, no. Steve Jobs doesn't really want to be told what to do. Steve just wants to write the rules."

The problem is that, of course, users like Apple products, and they like ease of use and the reliability of the safe software on the iPhone and now the iPad. So what are the trade-offs and what are we willing to accept?

"Steve Jobs is not only incredibly obsessed with ensuring the user experience, making sure that the app works, making sure that it doesn't crash, making sure that it's designed well. It's hard to have a problem with that."

But Apple has gone farther than technical quality, limiting apps from a wide community of makers including " ... journalists and people engaging in political activism, satirists, an app that would measure cell phone radiation, an app that would count down until the number of days when Bush was no longer president. As Steve Jobs, I believe famously said it would alienate half of his customers to accept that app."

"There's a problem for free expression of speech when Steve Jobs is making that determination. Probably most apps are approved and they're innocuous. But when Steve Jobs says you can't have a nipple and there's a breast cancer app, what happens?"

For Stark the choice is clear, "My answer for this? I'm an Android user."

And when it comes to video standards Stark sees the choices clearly as well. Adobe's Flash, and even Apple's so-called open H.264 codecs are private closed systems that have a looming impact on openness and sharing. So when Google purchased the encoding company On2 Technologies and embraced their proprietary VP8 technology, the free content movement waited to see what would come next. Google changed the name of VP8 to "WebM" and open-sourced the code. It was a watershed moment for Stark and her colleagues.

She explains: "VP8 is a good thing for free expression and the monetization of online video, and questionably. Of course Google has their own reasons to why they want to pursue it, and I acknowledge it, that it could certainly help their business. But I'm okay with that, as long as it helps the greater good in the open web."

So, on the Open Culture scorecard, Apple and Facebook are in the penalty box, and Google is advancing with open standards. In many ways, it comes down to balancing privacy with prior restraint. Google's YouTube platform wouldn't exist today, Stark explains, if they hand-reviewed every video. Instead, community standards and technology are paired to remove objectionable material. It's a lesson she'd like Apple to learn from.

"I still consider myself an optimist," says Stark. "I still think that technology can be used to better the world and will be used to better the world. I think if we merely sit back and let the certain powers that be go in the directions in which they look like they're going, we might be at risk."

"But I'm also not going to say that, you know, we're completely screwed and that the future is going be "1984" George Orwell, because I think that there is this power engaged in innovation and democratization."

"I think if someone like Mark Zuckerberg were to completely do something horrible and completely screw over his customers, somebody else would come along and innovate. Let's not forget that in 2005, MySpace was supposedly the next big thing."

The OVA manifesto reads:

"As Internet video matures, we face a crossroads: will technology and public policy support a more participatory culture -- one that encourages and enables free expression and broader cultural engagement? Will video be woven into the fabric of the open web? Or will online video become a glorified TV-on-demand service? Open Video is a movement to promote free expression and innovation in online video through open standards, open source, and sharing."

You can view the video of this entire interview on here.

Steve Rosenbaum is founder and CEO of, a Realtime Web Video Curation startup. He has been building and growing consumer-content businesses since 1992. He was the creator and Executive Producer of MTV UNfiltered, a series that was the first commercial application of user-generated video in commercial TV.
Follow Steve on Twitter: @Magnify

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