A Nanosecond That's Lasted Nearly Six Years: President Bush's Cheapening of Human Loss Is Terrifying

Want to get scared? Really scared? Twilight Zone scared? Wes Craven-squared scared? Sit in on President Bush's meeting of right wing propagandists in the Oval Office.
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WARNING: If you are pregnant or have a weak heart you should not read this column

Want to get scared? Really scared? Twilight Zone scared? Wes Craven-squared scared?

Sit in on President Bush's meeting of right wing propagandists in the Oval Office. Sean Hannity was there but when he spoke of it on his show, never alluded to the political leaning of the "talk show hosts" who were invited to the meeting. With the lack of full information, I assumed that Stephanie Miller and Al Franken were there too. But I tellya.

While it's entirely Third Reichian and White House of Horrors creepy, it is no surprise that this president brought in his little Goebbelses to spread his certitude and propaganda. It's that his admission that the nightmares we've experienced in the Iraq war can be dismissed so easily.

Giving us a private peek into the inhumanity that lies in wait with this president in power, was a column today in the L.A. Times by usual White House apologist, Max Boot, who was at the Oval Office pep rally. Never one to applaud his tilt, Boot did the applaudable favor of letting us read for ourselves just how maniacally dangerous this president is.

"He professed no alarm about bad news from Iraq, saying that recent trends (such as a spike in killings) were just a 'nanosecond' in historical terms."

Perhaps I (re)wrote that a little too fast. Let me write it a little slower.

"He-professed-no-alarm-about-bad-news-from-Iraq, saying-that-recent-trends (such-as-a-spike-in-killings) were-just-a-'nanosecond'-in-historical-terms."

Wow. Just "wow."

I wonder if the president expressed that touching sentiment to the families who have lost loved ones in that one of them "nanoseconds."

I wonder if the president considers it a nanosecond when he loses a family member.

But the president pushed his appreciation for the sacrifices of our men and women even further

Boot wrote...

"A Marine intelligence report leaked to the Washington Post last week suggested that at least another division is needed in restive Anbar province. The top Marine general in Iraq was rushed out to rebut those findings, but even he acknowledged that he didn't have enough troops to defeat the insurgency. I asked Bush about the Marine report. He dismissed it as just a 'data point.'"

"Data point?" The admission that the President, a president who told us that he will do what the military tells him to do, now tells us that needing more troops to fight this war is a 'data point?'"

Nanosecond. Data point. This is how the leader of the free world is leading us.

This is how the man who has severe Christian values, values life?

How the f*ck do we get off this ride?

Need a ray of hope? While Hannity went on the air to share with his listeners how steadfast and perfectly resilient this president is, Boot wrote in his column that "...focusing so much on the long term. (Bush spoke repeatedly of how the world would look 50 years from now.) There is a danger that you will not make the necessary short-term adjustments to achieve results here and now."

Nice to hear that even the rightest of rightests sees the dangers to life today inherent to the present resident of the Oval Office. As Stephanie Miller might say, it's great to see "Republicans eating their own." And add to that something I never thought I'd say...Thank you, Max.

NOTE: Please pass on to every person who considers supplying a son or daughter to this president's war, just how much time the president considers your family's sacrifice. A "nanosecond."

Steve Young is the author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful." Then again, you might want to purchase his new wacky kiddie novel

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