All The President's Liars: Where the Hell are The Washington Post and NY Times on McClellangate?!

All The President's Liars: Where the Hell are The Washington Post and NY Times on McClellangate?!
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Do the investigative reporters at the Washington Post and New York Times fall under the Writers Guild Contract? Are Bernstein and Woodward too busy in makeup? Can the WGA and Producers get together and give satirical news an exemption?

While the Writers Strike keeps The Daily Show from cleverly pointing out the obvious, The Washington Post and New York Times ignore the obvious altogether.

We've been lied to by this White House.

Who says? Scott McClellan, the guy who was paid to lie for the guys who lied in the first place.

Of course, if he really wanted to bare his soul he would have let Helen Thomas write the foreword of "What Happened: Was I Lying Then Or Am I Lying Now?"

Point is, other than blogs and the Keith Olbermann network - and the Writers Strike continuing to keep Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert on the sidelines - we're left with the right to spin an insider story of a White House coverup.

The so-called liberal Mainstream Media? Try to find the McClellan revelation in today's liberal bastions, Washington Post or the New York Times.

Wonder if Howard Kurtz will wonder how his print employer, that was Ben Bradlee's once proud publication during Watergate, could have been missed what should be a blockbuster tale of deception of the American people at the very highest level.

The McClellan story may not be the smoking gun that leads to impeachment, but it could unlock the inner-workings of a White House that doesn't trust the American people with the truth and sees the betrayal of a covert CIA spy as acceptable politics. And that's not worth of a mention?

That's not to say that the broadcast's Lords of Loud won't cover McClellan's story.

Bill O'Reilly: It's a non-story. I said so in "Culture Warrior", now out in paperback.

Sean Hannity: Vince Foster, Kathleen Willey, Could have had bin Laden on a silver platter.

Mark Levin: McClellan is a brownshirt of the Clinton crime family.

Sean Hannity: George Soros,, I did not have sex with that woman...

Rush Limbaugh: So, McClellan is a proven liar. Why would we believe anything he says?

Sean Hannity: ACLU, New York Times, Human effect on global warming a sham

Michelle Malkin: Why is hell is Ingraham sitting in for Bill?

And The Washington Post?

(Cricket sound here)

If Ben Bradlee were dead he'd be spinning in his grave.

WGA member Steve Young is author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful."

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