Help Stop the Suffering of Richard Lewis

Truth is being brutalized by the very people who are supposed to be protecting them: politicians, their surrogates and their campaigns.
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The inimitable Richard Lewis is a comedian... a hilarious one at that. But he's also a human being and today that human being is suffering from a horrible affliction that has long been kept in the shadows of denial. I'm talking about the agony of deceitculosis: standing by, doing nothing while truth is tortured.

2012-07-22-Truthdisease.jpgDeceitculosis bacteria attacking truth cells

Political researchers have found deceitculosis's effects to be far more insidious than what had been previous diagnosed. Originally rationalized as benign fibs, white lies and spin, deceitculosis has been found to grow into full-blown lies, out of context misrepresentations and factual omission purposely left out which infect the body politic, leading to slow but total deterioration of the brain's ability to make the best decision in its own best interest.

Worst of all, truth is being brutalized by the very people who are supposed to be protecting them: politicians, their surrogates and their campaigns. Whether through a speech, a commercial or a talk show shout down, these defenseless angels whose only wish is to exist as God placed them on earth, have been abandoned, starved of all accuracy and left to atrophy alone on the back alleys of Lietown.

Richard Lewis has never been caught wearing any other color than black. Is that a style choice or is it that he is in perpetual mourning for the suffering truth?

I sat down for an in-depth Q and A with Mr. Lewis.
Q: How are you?
A: How do you think I am?

Some will say that Mr. Lewis was only answering as one of Jewish descent would, responding to a question with a question. But after watching this video that he, Paula Poundstone and other suffering celebrities put together for the Annenberg Public Policy Center's site, it becomes obvious that Richard is in deep pain. And only YOU can help. Well, you and every single other person you can Facebook or Twitter the video to.

Please, help Richard and the truth survive. Click on and feed a fact for a day. Click on all week and feed a whole family of facts for a month.

Award-winning television writer, Steve Young, wrote and directed the video.

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