Keith Olbermann proves Condi is a liar

Keith Olbermann proves Condi is a liar
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Last night, Kieth Olbermann and MSNBC proved that Condi Rice lied when she said the Bush administration did all it could to stop Osama bin Laden's terrorist plots prior to 9/11. And Keith didn't stop with Ms. Rice. He showed the truth about Cheney and Bush's statements as well.

I know some of you will say "So what else is new?" and others will say "That's not so!" Well, as Sgt. Joe Friday used to say on Dragnet, "Just the facts, ma'm. Just the facts."

And here they are, presented in painstaking detail. Proof once and for all that even the claims that "No one could imagine that planes would be used to crash into buildings" was a lie.

Honestly, I think every campaign commercial the Democrats run between now and election day should refer to Keith Olbermann's report. Keith is proving himself time after time to have the backbone to present the facts. And to keep presenting them..and keep presenting them...and keep presenting them.

I know President Bush says we are fighting for freedom. I think it's safe to say that Keith Olbermann knows that "The truth shall set you free."

God bless you, Keith Olbermann.

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