A Simple, Desultory Philippic

If Hillary's ready and experienced, why the hell is she losing ground, credibility and support day by day to her lesser equipped, less experienced, hollow dreamer of a rival?
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Look, it's simple: if Hillary's ready and experienced, why the hell is she losing ground, credibility and support day by day to her lesser equipped, less experienced, hollow dreamer of a rival?

And if restoring the reputation of America, if unifying its disenfranchised, underrepresented and undervalued citizens, if taking the reigns of power back from the profiteering special interests, if reinvigorating America's youth and giving them cultural values that are meaningful rather than base and disposable is what she is dedicated to, then she should realize that Obama's growing popularity is due only to people recognizing he is the solution to what's been ailing them and their country; that the possibility of an Obama presidency is as restorative and inspirational as anything that's been proffered in decades; that after years of being statistics, people are awakening, their hopes stirring and forming the soul of an ineluctable and gloriously American movement.

If Hillary -- necessary, brilliant, vital Hillary -- wants the best for her country, then she can help accomplish her goal by throwing her support behind Obama. With unity like that, we can finally face the obstacles that lay ahead. And overcome.

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