God Is Covered in Oil

The folks at BP and all the other ancillary entities who pull the strings are the real gods here. And the gods are merciless.
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The oil industries rape the Earth while the citizens, shackled to the planet's life's blood, look on and wonder when She will shrug them off like a dog flinging water off its fur.

And let's face it: reliance on "God" doing the regulating while mankind does his business is now officially a bullshit proposition. God? Just another PR construct allowing rich fellers and the willfully ignorant to do what they please regardless of the consequences.

Because the folks at BP and all the other ancillary entities who pull the strings are the real gods here. And the gods are merciless.

Behold the gods of unregulated industry: they guard the wells, the banks, the battlefields; they guard the media, the farms, the laboratories.

These gods are sick. They have sated themselves on the planet's bounty and their attendant gluttony has created misery. We are being told that there is trouble in the Gulf. But we are not told the real story. Gods don't want the whole story told about anything, lest it become apparent that they aren't gods at all but just dumb, greedy, powerful men.

So as the oil weeps its way into the ocean, starting a chain of death that the stupid god-men dismiss with a smirk, thinking they are immune from the effects of their unregulated ignorance, the rest of the sentient world will have to resign themselves to becoming a race of coal mine canaries, twitching and spasming as the waters become fouled, the food chain ruptures, the life cycle becomes corrupted and the world wide withering begins.

Maybe the bible was a deceptively wry joke, that "God" is really Man, and that "His" creation is really whatever Man creates out of what the resources the Earth has in abundance. And that Armageddon is the war Man has with his world after the generations of misuse and abuse.

It shows you how badly regulation is needed for things which inevitably spin out of control. Things like Man. Too bad God is in the way.

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