Hlry u r nt gna wn!

The emphasis, in case anyone hasn't been looking, has switched away from the content of one's character to the commerciality of one's cred.
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Yeah, yeah. Hillary. Smart. Experienced. A woman. We're ready. It's time. I'm excited. Aren't you?

Forget it. She won't win.

See the expiration date? Right next to the bar code? Past it. Stale. Time to restock the aisles, rotate the produce.

She'll be another sidelined bonus baby, in the end costing too much, losing due to a technicality. Just like Kerry. Small things, but big enough when They the People prefer their presidents shiny and fresh over brainy and been-there. In this Culture of Disposability, where everything has a shelf life shorter than the shelf it sits on, where everybody can and will be a celebrity of equal stature for either being mediocre or balls-out crappy and where the few risk their lives to ensure the comfort of the many and life passes in grainy, jerky streaming video, content is secondary. Waaaaay secondary. Hillary needs a good tweaking, a crash course in cool, some basic Stanislavsky technique. Perhaps enrollment in Kelly Ripa's Improve Your Personality! seminar this weekend at the Marriott near the airport. But if she ain't got it by now, she ain't never gonna get it. That conspicuous lack of superficial gloss contributed to our Last Best Hope from Massachusetts becoming about as relevant to the voting public as Vanilla Ice, lo those many tears ago. The emphasis, in case anyone hasn't been looking, has switched away from the content of one's character to the commerciality of one's cred. The internet video announcement is today's version of the campaign whistle stop. This is the Texting Era. Everything streamlined, dead leaves pruned away, the extraneous exfoliated. To hell with those pesky vowels. "Hillary" has way too many of them to hold anyone's attention. Pasty complexion. Wal-Mart Pants suits. Voice like the Mosquito Sonic Teen Repellent. Needs to get her weight down to Paris Hilton proportions, somewhere in the mid to high 90's. She's got the brains and knows the games. Yeah, it's time. Just not hers.

Now, Barack Obama: it's new, it's affable, it's tough. Why, the name itself co-opts the lexicon of our enemies. He's a little bit Islam, a little bit rock and roll! He's a walking re-frame!I just have one question: iz BO xperncd?

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