Pussies Galore

if you're big enough to wage war you'd better be able to handle the responsibility. The mechanism of Democracy needs to be exercised, not suppressed.
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Republicans are pussies.

From the congressional chicken hawks to the half-baked Alaskan Sarah Palin; from the wild-eyed doughboys and smug bullies who spew bilge from their televised perches to the shivering talk radio gremlins who broadcast out of their parents' basements, they sure talk a good game but have no stomach for real battle, outsourcing their pathetic rage to the gullible multitudes. These yellow-bellies are in fact consumed with and by fear: fear of anything foreign, fear of empowered women, fear of their own mortality. And let's not even mention their disdain for the arts (for which they themselves have no aptitude, unless you count John Ashcroft's "When he Eagle Soars"). Oh, hell, let's.

The Republican party, it seems, is crammed with pussies.

Why not hold Gitmo prisoners in maximum security prisons on US soil? Why not try terrorists in New York? Scared? These guys aren't SMERSH. Give them a dose of the America you profess to be so proud of. if you're big enough to wage war you'd better be able to handle the responsibility. The mechanism of Democracy needs to be exercised, not suppressed.

All the loud mouths, the obstructionists, the Obama-haters, the cowards who have cut and run from the American people and who have thrown in with the corporate carnivores are just wimpering, shivering milksops.


And since we're on the subject, I might as well move onto current events. Please excuse the sloppy segue.

That a mental mite like Sarah Palin is the only real Republican luminary who can draw a crowd says it all. The epitome of unimaginative opportunism, she is in fact even more toxically effective than Limbaugh or Beck: she is the Lara Croft of the Republican's video game platform, all smarm and fury and zero in the way of substance. But damn if she can't get the mob riled!

Disdainful of government because -- as she's so ably proven -- she sucks at it, disdainful of the elites who shun her yet who she longs to be one among, she is at her heart a pretender, a con-artist, a fraud. Her consistent disingenuousness points to the cowardice inherent in all of the Republicans' constant posturing.

Really, at this point, they just need to be ignored.

The fact is they don't matter anymore except as a lesson to all about what can happen when insatiable greed meets fear. Like the hero of Dalton Trumbo's Johnny Got His Gun, the Reps should be paraded from city to city for children to see and feel true repulsion at the effects of blind hubris. Until then, we are forced to endure the heckling and mewling of these obsolete fools, these traitors.

In a word: pussies.

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