Spin Art (A Small Minded Excursion Into Ideologically Driven Creativity)

That a personality less qualified, less able, and less educated as Sarah Palin should ascend so rapidly speaks to the depths this nation has sunk in terms of selecting viable, wise leadership.
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"My favorite low-brow bromide is that Sarah Palin "terrifies the Left." The truth is she (and her ilk) terrify all sensible, thoughtful people on the Left and on the Right, let alone every civilized nation on Earth. That a personality less qualified, less able, less educated should ascend so rapidly (and clearly with the help of an opportunistic media on both sides of the ideological divide) speaks to the depths this nation has sunk in terms of selecting viable, wise leadership. She is a Charlie's Angel's Republican wet dream, the bodice ripping heroine of all good Christian conservative chicken hawks. Terrified? You betcha."

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