The latest in the litany of right wing contrivances calculated to raise doubt among the undecideds only causes further embarrassment to McCain, to Republicans and to their shrinking base.
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Between Michelle Bachmann channeling Joe McCarthy, Jean "Cowards Cut and Run" Schmidt, and the reigning Queen of Spleen Sarah Palin rounding out the lengthy list of Ladies From Hades, you've got to hand it to the Republican machine: they are equal opportunity hate pimps.

Leaving little distinction between themselves and the radical terror organizations who employ women as suicide bombers, they throw up as the last line of defense the very flower of right wing womanhood in the form of these catatonic kittens who spew their Repub talking points with winks and smiles calculated to get past the barricades and assault the weak-minded with a cocktail of disinformation and pheromones. Pathetically evoking both Mommy and Mary Magdalene, they are no less persuasive than the good ol' boy slobs who tried and failed before them with their surly king-of-the-beasts bullying. The problem is, the only reason they are being used thus is the conscious hope they may stir some vestigial sexual flicker laying deep within the demoralized base. But you can't get blood from a stone and the only things hardening are the hearts of a nation that fear four more years of crippling pseudo-governance by observing such sordid Sub-Atwater tactics.

This campaign has showcased the most extreme highs and lows candidates can achieve if desperate enough. McCain, so, so desperate to win, has shown he will do anything no matter how foul, how obvious. Obama has shown he will even forgo blatantly smutty attempts at smash-mouth politics, instead letting the opposition hang itself with its own vitriolic rope.

Let them talk, let them all talk; let them blow kisses through bloodstained lips and beckon with sharpened claws. As long as we recognize them for what they are, this latest in the litany of right wing contrivances calculated to raise doubt among the undecideds only causes further embarrassment to McCain, to Republicans and to their shrinking base which thrives on intolerance, distraction and division. Make no mistake: this time it really is lipstick on a pig.

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