Public Option or Give Us (More) Death

The line is drawn. Will it be a public option or no public option? The two sides are glaring at each other. And on what side is President Obama?
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The line is drawn. Will it be a public option or no public option? The two sides are glaring at each other. Heaving verbal missiles at each other. Racing to the cameras to tell their stories. On one side are youth and liberals, and on the other side elders and conservatives. On what side is President Obama?

Few public policy issues have lines this thin. A public health insurance option or just more of the same gouging private options? A complete national government-run insurance plan or more of the current failure? The one that says for most Americans, "Give me your money or die!"

This is a line hard for the fudgers to fudge. To cut and hide, dress up and present as real change when there is only illusion. Public option or no public option? What will it be Obama?

The McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform, which many years ago I worked on as a grassroots organizer under the political apparatus of Common Cause, was passed by Congress. It was signed by the President. And what happened? Nothing! The legislation had been gutted. The substance ripped out! It was the illusion of change. It was Washington the magician in control. And the result was more public disillusionment.

"Nothing changes," people moaned. "It's useless, hopeless," others whined. True, when the Big Game in Washington -- to gut the substance behind closed doors and then lie there is still substance when in public -- is the only game in town. So money continues to rule our elections. There was no line in the sand for campaign finance reform. We never say the guts thrown out and the fluff put in. Now there is a line in the sand: public option or no public option?

Demarcations in public policy wars are essential. They tell us if the legislation will change things or if it's merely destined to buttress the status quo. Find a line, one central to the issue, one crucial for changing what is important to change, and keep your eye on that line. Otherwise, in the bombardment of swirling words and analysis and predictions and promises you will be lost. And the result will be more status quo. And money still rules American democracy.

In health care, the status quo is killing Americans. How many? No one really knows. 20,000? 30,000? 40,000? 50,000? 60,000 Americans every year? We don't know, but we do know the uninsured, mostly poor and young, are dying when they should not be dying. Isn't any number too large? Isn't this what patriotism is all about? Not fixing flag pins to our clothes or a sticker on your bumper, but helping fellow Americans who are in serious trouble?

If health care is not what Americanism is all about then we don't have an America any more. The line, keep your eye on the line. This line separates the patriots from those who do not favor Americans. Do not care if Americans die before their time.

And we know most Americans, young and old, are being fleeced, denied their money to fatten corporate treasures. Nowhere in the world, the developed world, do people allow such an abuse of power. The threat of death to steal your money. Every American should cringe.

Now is the time for the candidate of change, Barack Obama, to step across the line. I was at the Iowa Caucus. I was on the campaign trail and followed the primary to the end, and then the general election to the very end -- to the glorious very end. Without youth working for Obama, standing on frigid street corners waving Obama signs, working past midnight and then up before sunrise, existing on donuts and coffee, without youth donating their money to Obama, voting for Obama, Barack Obama would not be president today. That is clear. The youth vote has never elected a president before. It did with him.

Now, overwhelmingly the youth of American, the fleeced youth of America, want a public option for health insurance. The line is drawn. Where does President Obama stand?

But the Washington game is well advanced. The Obama Administration is strategizing there are other bones to throw at the angry ones, youth and liberals. There is global warming! Get it on paper, and that will cheer them up! There is illegal immigration! Stop the raids! There are school loans! Tweak the costs, they'll then come along. There are many bones to placate the angry liberals and youth.

But this one isn't biting. Give me public option or give me, unfortunately, death! A public option must be vigorously advocated by the Obama Administration or the Administration will have failed. Failed a crucial test. Was on the wrong side of this line.

As much as Afghanistan - no more than Afghanistan - our lack of a reasonably priced public health insurance is killing Americans. Thousands every year! In fact, many, many more are dying in America than in the war zone. It's time to stop the slaughter in America. A public option is the solid step to begin the end. There is no substitute step. It's time for the man of change to take that step. Now!

This just in! The public option is dead! The media is reporting. Wait -- not for me! The line has been drawn in the political sand. It's time to dig in. Time to get patriotic! Time to ratchet up the battle! Call your representatives ... donate money ... give your body for this battle. Win or lose, this is a battle crucial for America. Let's don't back off.

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