Another September 11th Is Over and Done Politiku

Thanks to Facebook's "likes," Twitter's hashtags and, of course, the call from Mom, I was not alone on 9/11/10.
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Thanks to Facebook's "likes," Twitter's hashtags and, of course, the call from Mom, I was not alone on 9/11/10. Thanks to my low tolerance for unity, I also managed to steer clear of a day riddled with iterations of redundant media coverage reiterating the now internalized attack of another kind:

How do we, as Americans, diffuse the efforts of a weird-ass, delusional, extremist, Koran burning freak so that a far more threatening weird-ass, delusional, extremist freak halfway round the globe doesn't wax wroth by burning people, again?

Swiffered the parquet floor. Tried -- and failed -- to get any work done. Went to the Farmer's Market and returned with fresh apples, tomatoes and peppers. Brushed the orange, tiger striped tabby cat as she purred and crackled like the 4th of July.

While watching the evening bounce off Brooklyn brownstones, I felt content in knowing that the godawful metal against metal boom of the shockwave that rippled me powerless the morning of 9/11/01 was long ago and far, far away. Something only needing to be revisited on days like this one.

Counting the atomic hours down to midnight, I lit memorial candles and tweeted this conclusion on the tails of trending hashtags:

The sweetest part of my day happened when I coaxed a first-time Politiku out of a new British online conversationalist friend:
It took a while for me to reconnect to media. Even longer for me to reconnect to Politics. Politiku enabled me to co-exist with politics without overwhelming.

The most direct creative manifestation of my 9/11 experience was in the play that I wrote right after it happened. The play was performed in several downtown NY venues, including Ground Zero between 2001 and 2002; reprised in 2008 in Los Angeles. All performances seemed to help both audiences and actors re-humanize in a way that was surprisingly potent and desperately needed back then and still now, perhaps? There is talk of a 10 year anniversary animated version...if it can be done in time.

Art, as always, rises like a Phoenix from the ashes. I may well be the epitome of what the 9/11 terrorists wanted to destroy that day -- an ambitious, opinionated, resilient, Jewish American female who would, nine years later,
And the 9/11 terrorists perished in those flames over nine years ago, now. And I'm alive, well and here to firedance.
Happy September 12th, everyone:)

Another September 11th is Over and Done originally posted on

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