Laetare Medal: Glendon is the Wrong Recipient

Faith is not an exclusive club membership. Yet this is the message that Mary Ann Glendon, former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, sent when she rejected the University of Notre Dame's Laetare Medal.
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Real faith is not a one-trick pony. Faith is not an exclusive club membership. One does not grow stronger in love of the Lord by rejecting others. Yet this is the message that Mary Ann Glendon, former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, sent when she rejected the University of Notre Dame's Laetare Medal. She disapproved of President Obama receiving an honorary degree and giving the commencement speech at the Catholic institution.

Her position is that the president's support of abortion rights and embryonic stem cell research does not fit in with Catholic morality and so an honorary degree to the president violates a 2004 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop's statement that Catholic institutions should not honor people whose actions conflict with the church's moral principles.

The Laetare Medal, first awarded in 1883, recognizes outstanding service to the Roman Catholic Church and society performed by a candidate "whose genius has ennobled the arts and sciences, illustrated the ideals of the church and enriched the heritage of humanity."

Glendon is a Harvard University law professor and anti-abortion scholar who formerly served as ambassador to the Holy See under the Bush administration. She is gifted, talented and has enjoyed a prestigious career.

Hers is a principled stand, but those most satisfied with her actions are already in the club. Rather than using her honor to bring an inspiring message based on her career of upholding life, she chose instead to role model the importance of not associating with anyone who disagrees.

Glendon also protested against being used as a tempering presence to a pro-choice president. Since when is offering both sides of an issue, even symbolically, considered an abuse? The Harvard law professor should know better.

Abortion is not the only issue in our government. The President is dealing with wars, a possible pandemic, Depression-like financial conditions and everything else. It was the height of arrogance to paint the president in the sole light of pro-life politics. The president was not appearing at Notre Dame for an abortion rights debate. He was invited as the leader of the free world to encourage and congratulate graduates.

Faith was always meant to be a personal spiritual connection, born from a genuine relationship with God. Too often the body politic overshadows the fact that the "body of Christ" (believers) was always meant to exalt, inspire and encourage a connection with the divine.

Glendon's public rejection of her award in order to set an example against President Obama propagates the stereotyping of Christians as judgmental, exclusionary and punitive.

She would do well to re-read the memo from her "Boss" who said in Mark 2:17, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." If abortion is considered a spiritual sickness in our society then healing is practiced best as a compassionate and loving art.

As a Laetare award candidate, Glendon had a great platform to inspire a message of hope and perseverance on behalf of the unborn. After all, frightened pregnant women with no options are most in need of hope and perseverance. But instead of extolling divine possibilities, she chose to politicize.

Based on the spirit of the Laetare Medal, Glendon made the right decision to reject it. There is nothing about being exclusionary and punitive that illustrates the ideals of faith. She was the wrong representative.

Previously published in The Patriot Ledger (MA), May 2, 2009

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