(R)Evolution -- We All Want to Change Your Head

This new multi-cultural, interracial, eco-green, techno-savvy, globally-minded young generation has made history.
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President Barack Obama -- not since the 1960's has such a youthful and creative exuberance changed society. I was in San Francisco, my old hometown, on election night where young men and women shouted victory, waved signs and danced in the streets. Collectively determined to break the mold (and I really do mean "mould"), youthful voting power debuted at the polls. And honey, they were fierce.

Receiving the greatest number of election votes in U.S. history, Obama won 68% of votes from the 18-24 year olds. From the 25-29 year olds, 69% voted in his favor, according to exit polls reported by CNN.

Youthful can-do power has fueled enthusiasm for our future. The dark rain cloud hanging over our country for years has burst. And because the first African-American has been elevated to the highest position in the nation -- not because of the color of his skin but because of the content of his character -- we are showered with hope. (Martin Luther King, Jr. must be sitting on the top of some heavenly mountain today.)

Hope that racism is finally on the fade-out. Hope that peace might prevail over force. Hope that faith and creativity will replace fear-based monotony. What do you know? An exotic name can't be held against you!

The dubious "what if" has been trumped by "yes, we can." And it was largely set in motion by a young generation who rocked the vote.

But one older skeptic suggested to me that "those kids don't know what they voted for." Was he referring to Obama's skills? His race? His experience? Did it matter?

"Those kids" voted for idealism. And think of how many visionary movements were carried along on the youthful backs of hopeful change.

"Mr. Dubious" is about 59. I am 54. I reminded him that back in the day we, too, wanted "impossible" idealism. Sexual freedom. End the Vietnam War. Equality for Women. Civil Rights. Black Power.

Much of it was long overdue. As with all movements, there were benefits along with unintended consequences. But we, as the then-younger generation, took "tomorrow's" torch and ran with it. Okay, some things got set on fire, but in the main, an entire nation woke up to take a good look around in a much brighter light.

And to inequality and injustice most of us said, "Whoa! Time to fix things."

Back then we had Flower Power. Today's young people showed us Flowering Power, and took it full force to the election polls.

This new multi-cultural, interracial, eco-green, techno-savvy, globally-minded young generation has made history. They collectively blew a trumpet for change and the walls came tumbling down.

I am heartened.

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