11 or So Things I Don't Want to Do Before I Die

There are two things I would like to do before I die: Use up most of what's in our pantry and use my miles. More important is what Iwant to do before I die, like...
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Those lists, whether it's 10 or 100 things, to do before you die mean nothing to me. I won't feel bad if I die without going on a gondola ride in Venice or jumping out of a plane. I would, in fact, feel bad if I the gondola tipped over or the parachute didn't open and I died. There are two things I would like to do before I die: Use up most of what's in our pantry and use my miles. More important is what I don't want to do before I die, like:

1. Be in assisted living

2. Develop varicose veins, bunions or shingles (should those count as three?) Doesn't matter, throw in osteoporosis and anything that is painful or requires serious medical intervention

3. Hear that they were wrong about working out and it was pointless

4. Outlive my husband or have him outlive me (the only impossible thing on my list)

5. Serve on a jury

6. Lose my photos in a fire

7. Help a friend move

8. Have my identity stolen

7. Become so confused, I can't even make an orderly list

8. Have my husband and me referred to as "you guys"

9. Get bitten by anything, most especially a shark

10. Hear another doctor start a sentence with, "At your age"

11. Lose my passwords, which is why I changed them all to "Lost your password?"

Something you should do before you die is look at the personal urns I design, transforming an ordinary cremation urn into a "creation urn" by embedding photos in the mosaic pattern. They can be seen on www.personalized-urns.com.


And if you have more time, take a look at the pique assiette art on my other site (www.sybilsage.com). . I'm not uploading another picture as I see there are six cans of chopped tomatoes in the pantry and I'd better get working on them. .

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