adam mckay

The heated battle over the HBO sports drama just escalated.
Director Adam McKay hailed Streep's "tour de force of improv that I have never seen before.”
DiCaprio “just views Meryl as film royalty," said director Adam McKay.
The director was responding to a question about the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust."
Tumlin did not have another major role after his turn as the comically bratty Walker Bobby.
Adam McKay's Dick Cheney "biopic" tells us nothing about the most powerful vice president in history.
The actor gained 40 pounds, shaved his head and dyed his eyebrows for the role.
He becomes just one of three directors in the show's history to earn consecutive distinctions.
The biggest crime of the financial crisis of 2008 is that "no one was prosecuted," he tells HuffPost.