Annabella Sciorra

The movie mogul was sentenced to 23 years in state prison, which his lawyers argued Monday was “unduly harsh and excessive.”
The jury is expected to start deliberations early next week.
Jessica Mann also described the disgraced film executive's body and hygiene, calling him "deformed" and "dirty."
She says the former Hollywood producer raped her in the early 1990s.
The disgraced former superproducer faces two new charges of predatory sexual assault.
Three of Harvey Weinstein's most outspoken accusers took to the Oscars stage to say "time's up."
Actresses Rose McGowan, Asia Argento and Annabella Sciorra spent some time together over Thanksgiving weekend.
The New Yorker says actress Rose McGowan was particularly targeted in attempts to gather information to silence accusations.
"We are more than not believed — we are berated and criticized and blamed.”