Cesarean Section

Maternal-assisted caesareans allow patients to take a hands-on role in their own surgery.
Kelly Hughes is the first model in the magazine issue's 58-year history to pose showing her cesarean section scar.
A reminder: A cesarean birth is NOT the easy way out.
I chose to give birth in Thailand because, given my circumstances, it was the safest option.
Photographer Rodrigo Kuntsmann shares the story behind his meme-able C-section picture.
"I loved my birth experience. Nothing was stolen from me."
Delivery nurse Tara Drinkard told the new mom, "Guess what? ... My sister is a twin and we are both going to be in your delivery.”
One family's devastating story of pregnancy, stillbirth and grief.
Delphina Mota was “crying and screaming at the top of her lungs,” according to a lawsuit.
The legend about Julius Caesar seems suspect.