Winter Health

Certain foods can actually produce more mucus. Here's what to avoid when you're feeling under the weather.
Many people swear by these unorthodox cold "cures," so we turned to an expert to get the truth.
Maybe you've heard that sweating might help you beat your cold faster, or maybe you just don't want to skip training. Here's the truth.
Whether you’re fighting off a winter cold or seasonal allergies, experts share how to find some relief.
If you've been sick for what feels like forever, you might just have a co-infection. Here's how to tell.
You're not imagining it. Here's what's really going on, according to experts.
A new strain called JN.1 is spreading in the U.S. Here's what to know.
Some of these warning signs are different from those of other respiratory illnesses.
Don't let an illness ruin the season. Follow these strategies from the pros.