Generation Z

"It's not that Gen Z doesn't want to work — we're just not tolerating the work culture that older generations accepted. No one should feel like they need to work 80 hours a week for a job that only pays for 40."
Is an 18-year-old dating a 25-year-old problematic? Some Gen Zers think so.
Here's what Gen Zers are saying about their parents behind closed doors.
It's not all Y2K 2.0: Gen Z is increasingly a high-style fashion force to be reckoned with.
For your own peace of mind, you'll want to consider using this smartphone feature.
"I do not even know what my phone notifications or calls sound like."
The versatility of "😩" is mind-blowing.
For your own peace of mind, you'll want to consider using this smartphone feature.
The millennial actor says her “Madame Web” co-stars reminded her of how she was different from them, “like, every second of the day.”
"It's my biggest beef with Gen Z."