Mila Kunis

Mila and Ashton have been keeping a low profile since they were forced to apologize for writing letters in support of Danny Masterson last year.
The actor was criticized for supporting a charity whose mission is to stop sex crimes while also having supported a friend convicted of sex crimes.
The comedian called out Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis while sharing a painful story about her late brother, who she says was a sexual predator.
Kutcher and Masterson are receiving backlash after several “That ’70s Show” interviews resurfaced in which they routinely sexualize a teenage Kunis.
In a resurfaced clip, Kutcher named these celebrities as “girls that we’re all waiting for to turn 18.”
Ricci wrote an apparent response to Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis from "That '70s Show," who asked the judge for leniency in Masterson's rape sentence.
The video apology follows a day after the letters were released, prompting backlash from people on social media.
The stars of “That ‘70s Show” were among 50 others who asked the judge to be lenient in sentencing the actor, who was found guilty of raping two women.
Benedict Cumberbatch once punched a film critic who called Keira Knightley "Ikea Knightley" as an insult to her "wooden" acting.
"I feel like a jerk," the "That '70s Show" actor told Esquire.