
When Fatima Asmaa Paciotti first began selling Muslim clothing in this northern Italy town, many right-wing locals were skeptical.
Denmark's justice minister claimed veils like the niqab are "disrespectful."
Who gives you the right to assume Muslim women are oppressed by the tenants of our faith and the words of the Holy Qur’an?
Even though most Muslim women in the country don't wear niqabs or burqas.
Lawmakers are deliberating over what women can and cannot wear in public.
Now, the woman hopes to talk about her faith with the clerk who did so.
"It shows people are willing to stand up to ignorance and hate on behalf of others."
"I wanted to educate others and reflect the beauty that I know and love in Muslim women."
#HijabToMe is showing the world how truly diverse Muslim women who wear the headscarf can be.
Next time you are having dinner with a Bahraini dignitary, don't embarrass yourself by confusing the Queen's abaya with a burqa.